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Akshara Chandran
Akshara Chandran

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Waterfall VS Agile Methodologies

Waterfall and Agile are two contrasting methodologies used in software development life cycles (SDLC). Here's a comparison between the two:

Waterfall Methodology:

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Sequential Approach: Waterfall follows a linear and sequential approach to software development. Each phase (requirements, design, implementation, testing, deployment) is completed before moving on to the next phase.

Emphasis on Planning: It emphasizes comprehensive planning and documentation upfront. Requirements are typically gathered and documented extensively at the beginning of the project.

Less Flexibility: Once a phase is completed, it's difficult to go back and make changes without impacting subsequent phases. This can lead to delays and increased costs if changes are required later in the project.

Longer Delivery Time: Waterfall projects tend to have longer delivery times, as the entire development cycle must be completed before the product is released to stakeholders.

Suitable for Stable Requirements: It works well when the requirements are well-understood, stable, and unlikely to change significantly during the development process.

Agile Methodology:

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Iterative and Incremental: Agile follows an iterative and incremental approach, breaking the project into small, manageable iterations called sprints. Each sprint delivers a potentially shippable increment of the product.

Adaptive Planning: Agile prioritizes adaptability and flexibility over extensive upfront planning. Requirements are gathered and refined iteratively throughout the project, allowing for continuous feedback and adjustments.

Emphasis on Collaboration: Agile emphasizes collaboration between cross-functional teams, including developers, testers, and stakeholders. Daily stand-up meetings and regular reviews facilitate communication and alignment.

Quick Delivery of Value: Agile projects aim to deliver value early and frequently, enabling stakeholders to provide feedback and guide the direction of the project based on changing priorities or market needs.

Suited for Dynamic Requirements: It's well-suited for projects with evolving or uncertain requirements, as it allows for changes to be incorporated easily at any stage of development.

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