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Alexander Schau
Alexander Schau

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And finally: Hacktoberfest is over

After a month full of crazy ideas for some new projects, now at the end of October, I find myself sitting here and thinking about all the things I learnt over the past weeks, things that worked out well and those that doesn't 😐.
In this post I want to summarize the things I have learnt this month.

Things I learned

HTTP streams

Being honest, I heard of data streams quite often in the last seven years of my career, but I never really dived into it. This changed when I decided to build a webhook service, which allows both the sender and the receiver to communicate between firewalls. I needed some sort of event streaming over HTTP. And what should I say? There even is a JavaScript standard for this (EventSource). It's sort of like a websocket, but without the ability to send a message back to server (without sending a new HTTP request).

Workspaces and Devcontainer in VS Code

Another thing I never did before was to create a workspace in Visual Studio Code. This month I finally tried it out and it is really helpfull when working with Monorepos. It allows you to hide specific folder (like node_modules) completely, which makes it easier to organize yourself in complex folder structures. I really can recommend you to give it a try.

The second thing I tried out was Microsoft's Remote - Containers Extension for VS Code (it is like GitHub Codespaces on your local device). It allows you to predefine a Dockerfile, from which your development environment will be created. Whit it you can code right away on every machine without the need to install dependencies by hand ever again. It also is a good preparation for cloud-based development, which definitely will be the future (the same syntax is also used by GitHub Codespaces and soon Gitpod).


I think if you really want to learn something, it doesn't need an event like Hacktoberfest to get started, however it is a great motivation to try out new things. Remember, we're never done learning.

I hope you all got through October well and maybe some of you also learned something new this month. I would like to invite you to also write about your highlights and achievements over the last month. Feel free to link your post in the comments.

Ps: For the equal rights of the American and British English speakers here, I used both word forms, "learnt" and "learned".

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