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Okorie Chukwuemeka Alicho
Okorie Chukwuemeka Alicho

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Product Management is all about bridging the world of problems (User needs) and solutions(features in a product). Product thinking is a set of cognitive processes and possibly design methods that a designer has when addressing and solving a problem. It is the ability to understand what makes a product stand out for the customer while at the same time increase business value.
Product thinking begins by identifying an audienceโ€™s problem. it also solves real problems by building meaningful solutions. Designers who employ product thinking on a regular basis create resonating solutions that add value for customers.
The two most important goal is that your product works for your customer and also provide value to the business.

The Foundation of Product Thinking

Listed below are the core areas that needs to be focused on while considering product thinking. Studying this areas is a continues process for PM's as it is the foundation to solidify ones knowledge in product management.
Having answer the questions below, achieving the development and delivery of any product in any industry is swift.

  • Problem Statement
    "what problems do you want to solve".
    This question is the bedrock of a good product, answering this question correctly determines the outcome of a product. This takes extra efforts of a PM to figure this out.

  • Target User
    "Who has the problem you want to solve"
    As a PM, you need to define the user segment of the problem you are trying to solve. You can not build a product for everyone this is because everyone is not facing the exact problem you are solving.

  • Product Vision
    "What is the Long Term Goal of The Company"

  • Business Objectives
    "What does the business want to achieve"
    What is the benefit of the product to the business. This part deals with income generation for the organization. One question, does the business want to make money? it is important to note that not all product leads to generating revenue.

  • Product Features
    "What should you be delivering to solve the problem"
    The features of a product makes up the product itself, so the product is the what solves the problem of the customer, as a PM what will you be delivering to solve the problem for the people that have the product.

  • Strategy
    "How will you deliver the product to your target audience"
    This helps to ensure how the product deliver value to target audience, achieve the business objectives and the product vision you want to achieve.

How Do you Develop your Product Thinking Skills

This is process of taking a particular product by asking questions to understand why certain actions and decision were taken. The reason for this is to understand how a products meets the need of its users and increase business value for the company.
in achieving this, you have to ask specific question. As a PM you need to be focused on having an experimentation mindset and having to be on you fit to make adjustment.

Examples of Questions to ask.

  • what problem is the product solving? -why was the product built?
  • who is the product built for?
  • How does the company make money from the product? -what are the major feature in the product and what are benefits of the product to users?
  • Are there specific problems in the product currently and how can it be solved?
  • Why was the product designed the way it was designed?
  • How does the product makes you feel while interacting with it?
  • what can be done right now to make the product better?

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