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Methods In Ruby

Ruby is a popular object-oriented programming language that is widely used for developing web applications and other software. It is known for its simplicity and ease of use, making it a great choice for beginners and experienced programmers alike. One of the key features of Ruby is the availability of numerous methods that can be used to accomplish various tasks. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most useful methods in Ruby and how they can be used.

The each method is used to iterate over a collection and perform an action on each element. It takes a block of code as an argument and executes that block once for each element in the collection. For example

Image description

This will output:

Image description

  1. map The map method is used to transform each element in a collection based on a block of code. It returns a new collection with the transformed elements. For example:

Image description

This will output:

Image description

  1. select The select method is used to filter a collection based on a block of code. It returns a new collection containing only the elements that meet the criteria specified in the block. For example:

Image description
This will output:

Image description

  1. reduce The reduce method is used to combine all the elements in a collection into a single value. It takes a block of code as an argument that specifies how to combine the elements. For example:

Image description

This will output:

Image description

In this example, the reduce method starts with an accumulator value of 0 and adds each element in the array to the accumulator.

These are just a few of the many methods available in Ruby. By using these methods, you can write concise and expressive code that is easy to read and maintain. As you become more familiar with Ruby, you will discover even more methods that can help you write efficient and effective code.

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