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7 Incredible Communities That Will Change Your Life Forever

Anmol Baranwal on April 28, 2023

In a world where we are more connected than ever before, being a part of a community can be the key to unlocking new opportunities and achieving pe...
hackertab profile image 🖥️

thanks for sharing this list of awesome communities, I think Hackertab would be a good fit in this list, as it covers a wide range of communities mentioned. It helps developers to stay up-to-date with the latest developer news, tools, products, meetups, jobs all in one tab.

anmolbaranwal profile image
Anmol Baranwal

Thank you for recommending Hackertab. Your suggestion sounds amazing, and I'm thrilled to learn more about this community. I had no idea that Hackertab has the capability to display top news from various communities like Product Hunt, Github, and News.

I can't wait to dive into Hackertab.

justplegend profile image

What about DevOps and jobs on this hackertab?

hackertab profile image 🖥️

You can follow the Devops topic on Hackertab, to get related content.

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For the jobs, you can add your favorite source, eg: indeed or Linkedin

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justplegend profile image


lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

A lot of frameworks and libraries also have vibrant and welcoming communities.

anmolbaranwal profile image
Anmol Baranwal

Unlike the framework communities, the communities I mentioned in my post go beyond just sharing knowledge about a particular technology or library. They provide a platform for individuals with diverse backgrounds and interests to come together and exchange ideas, collaborate, and learn from each other.

They can help expand your network, expose you to new perspectives and experiences, and even inspire you to pursue new career paths.

So while the framework communities are certainly important, I believe that being part of a vibrant and diverse community like those I mentioned can truly change one's life for the better.

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

I think it's a prejudice that those communities are limited to share knowledge about the libraries they are about. All of those have off-topic channels and very few of the members of those communities know only one topic.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I can't bring myself to take LinkedIn seriously. It's so full of insincerity, buzzwords, and people pretending to be something, enjoy something or support something they don't.

anmolbaranwal profile image
Anmol Baranwal

While I understand your perspective on LinkedIn, I believe that it is still a valuable platform for professional networking and connecting with like-minded individuals.

While there may be some instances of insincerity and the use of buzzwords, I have found that the majority of interactions on LinkedIn are genuine and professional. In fact, I have had the opportunity to directly chat with many professionals from around the world outside of India, and it has been a wonderful experience.

In my experience, while there may be a few outliers, the vast majority of LinkedIn users are truly dedicated to propelling themselves and their respective industries forward. I have found that this platform provides a unique opportunity for genuine connections and valuable networking that can truly accelerate one's professional growth.

anmolbaranwal profile image
Anmol Baranwal

As the author of this post, I wanted to share with you the incredible benefits of being a part of a community. While there are countless communities out there, I've handpicked 7 that I believe will have a profound impact on your life.

Joining a community can be especially beneficial in today's world where connectivity is at an all-time high.

Take the leap and explore these incredible communities - you never know what amazing experiences and opportunities may be waiting for you.

mjablecnik profile image
Martin Jablečník

I am missing Reddit in your list.. :)

anmolbaranwal profile image
Anmol Baranwal

Thank you for your comment and recommendation! I have indeed heard a lot about Reddit and the vast array of communities it has to offer. However, since I have not used it myself, I did not include it in the list.

Nonetheless, I appreciate your suggestion and will definitely consider exploring Reddit further in the future. There are countless online communities out there, and I am always on the lookout for new and exciting ones to learn from and participate in.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to comment.

anmolbaranwal profile image
Anmol Baranwal

I'm glad you enjoyed the suggestions and found them helpful. And thanks for recommending Substack! I haven't heard of it before, but it sounds like a great platform.