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Ariaa Reeds
Ariaa Reeds

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Things You Need To Know About Website Pen-Testing: A Checklist

This blog post will provide an overview of this topic so that you can take the necessary steps to secure your website moving forward!

Web application pen-testing is one of the most important aspects of website security. If you want to protect your business, it's crucial that you understand what web application pen-testing is and how to go about getting it done. This blog post will provide an overview of this topic so that you can take the necessary steps to secure your website moving forward!

What is Web Application Pen-Testing?
Web application pen-testing (WAPT) is a security assessment technique that examines web applications for vulnerabilities before the apps are put into production. It includes both black box and white box testing, along with fuzzing and other techniques to identify flaws in an organization's IT infrastructure.

A combination of automated penetration testing tools and manual methods is used by testers during this process. The goal is to determine which web application flaws represent real risks, while also highlighting those that can be easily mitigated without causing disruption for users or other stakeholders.

Types of Web Application Pen Testing
There are three main types of web application pen tests:

Black Box Testing
This is an approach where the tester has no knowledge of the web application's code. It will involve active reconnaissance and discovery techniques to identify vulnerabilities.

Pros and Cons of Black Box Testing- Black box testing is very effective in identifying vulnerabilities that are easy to find. However, it can be difficult to identify more complex vulnerabilities. Additionally, black-box testers may not have the same level of knowledge as the application's developers, which could limit the effectiveness of the test.

White Box Testing
This method requires that testers have access to source code, along with documentation on how this particular app was built. They can then exploit their insider knowledge to conduct a comprehensive assessment.

Pros And Cons of White Box Testing- Having access to the app's source code allows white-box testers to look for specific vulnerabilities that are relevant to your business. However, if there are multiple developers working on an application or any third parties involved in its creation process, it can be challenging to separate each individual's contributions.

Grey Box Testing
This is a combination of black and white box testing, where the tester has some knowledge of the application but not all. They will use this information to probe for vulnerabilities that they would not be able to find through other methods.

Pros and Cons Of Grey Box Testing- Grey box testers have the advantage of being able to find vulnerabilities that are not easy to discover through black or white-box testing methods. However, they may miss some vulnerabilities that could be found through a more comprehensive assessment.

Checklist for Web Application Pen-Testing
There is no one-size-fits-all checklist for web application pen testing, as the approach will vary depending on the organization's IT infrastructure and the specific web application being tested. However, there are some general steps that should be taken during any WAPT assessment:

  • Identify what needs to be tested
  • Conduct a vulnerability scan
  • Determine the goals and scope of the testing
  • Identify vulnerability types that need to be tested for, based on your organization's business needs and IT infrastructure.
  • Create a list of vulnerabilities
  • Conduct a gap analysis in order to identify any risks or vulnerabilities not covered by previous assessments. This will allow you to prioritize them moving forward.
  • Test each vulnerability using manual and automated assessment techniques to determine its severity and potential impact.
  • Prioritize vulnerabilities based on your organization's risk tolerance level, factoring in the cost of addressing each flaw. Develop a plan for mitigating or remediating each one.
  • Prioritize the identified flaws based on risk level and business impact.
  • Identifying and verifying a web app's IP address, domain name & port number
  • Enumerating web app directories by using automated tools or manually browsing through links on websites
  • Crawling for data - Testers may attempt to crawl through all pages within an application to uncover sensitive data and previously unknown functionality
  • Fuzzing - This is the process of sending random or invalid user input into a web app to identify vulnerabilities. You can use automated tools for this task, but it's often more effective when done manually by trained testers

Pros & Cons of Web Application Security Testing
Even though there are many benefits associated with web application security testing, not everyone is convinced that it's the best approach. Here are some of the pros and cons to consider:


Web app pen tests can uncover many types of vulnerabilities in your system, including misconfigurations, software bugs, session management issues, and more


Web application security testing is time-consuming and costly. It also requires skilled testers to complete the assessment properly. Furthermore, it's impossible for a single tester to find all possible vulnerabilities in a complex application.

In order to get the most out of your web application security testing, it's important to have a clear understanding of what needs to be tested and how the process will be carried out. By using a combination of black-box, white-box, and grey-box testing methods, you can uncover many different types of vulnerabilities that may exist in your system.

With cyberattacks becoming increasingly sophisticated, organizations must take proactive steps to secure their websites moving forward. A thorough web application pen test can be an effective way of finding vulnerabilities before they are exploited by hackers.


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