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Renato Losio 💭💥 for AWS Heroes

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AWSome December, from OpenSearch Serverless to Application Composer

As an editor for InfoQ, every month I follow and (try to) cover the most interesting news in the cloud space. From Blue/Green Deployments for RDS to Clean Rooms, below are the announcements and news in the AWS space that caught my attention in December. You can read the full articles on InfoQ.

AWS Announces GA of DocumentDB Elastic Clusters

At the recent re:Invent conference, AWS announced the general availability of DocumentDB Elastic Clusters, a service that manages the elasticity and sharding for MongoDB workloads.

AWS Previews VPC Lattice for Service-to-Service Communication

To simplify networking for service-to-service communication, AWS recently announced the preview of Amazon VPC Lattice. The new capability of Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) abstracts network complexity and creates a logical application layer network that connects clients and services across different VPCs and accounts.

AWS Previews Application Composer to Visualize and Create Serverless Workloads

At the recent re:Invent conference, AWS announced the preview of Application Composer, a visual designer to build serverless applications from multiple AWS services. The new option helps create the architecture by dragging, grouping, and connecting services in a visual canvas.

AWS Announces Clean Rooms for Secure Collaboration with Analytics Data

During the recent re:Invent conference, AWS announced the preview of Clean Rooms for analytics data. The new service provides safe environments where multiple customers can securely share and analyze data with control of how the data is used, reducing the risk of sharing personal data.

Amazon Announces Preview of OpenSearch Serverless

AWS recently announced the preview of OpenSearch Serverless, a new option of OpenSearch service that automatically provisions and scales the resources for data ingestion and query responses. The minimum capacity required for the serverless option raised some concerns in the community.

AWS Announces Blue/Green Deployments for MySQL on Aurora and RDS

At the beginning of the re:Invent conference, AWS announced the general availability of RDS Blue/Green Deployments, a new feature for Aurora with MySQL compatibility, RDS for MySQL, and RDS for MariaDB to perform blue/green database updates.

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