DEV Community

Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern

Posted on

Turns out language creators are pretty good at their language

This is good. 😂

Reminds me of a funny story a coworker told me. He was interviewing someone for the position of Elixir consulting; basically we needed someone to vet certain choices we were going to make.

He's grilling this guy on Elixir and he's good, my coworker says. The meeting ends and later in the day he tells the team all about it.

Turns out he was grilling Jose Valim, Elixir's creator hahahahahaha

This is a story I'm never going to forget I still laugh about it.

Top comments (3)

tux0r profile image

That reminds me of an older story:

Between 1969 and 1973, Ken Thompson created Unix with Dennis Ritchie. At the same time he also developed the C language. (...) Google hired Thompson to create a new language, Go. But Google also requires all of its recruits to pass a language test. According to Thompson, he hasn't quite got round to it yet - and so can't submit code.

fennecdjay profile image
Jérémie Astor

Seems sensible. Yet making a language successful enough to offer jobs remains a pretty difficult task.