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Larson Reever
Larson Reever

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Cost Of Fixing A Hacked Wordpress Site in 2024

Is Fixing a hacked website a costly affair?

Having a hacked Wordpress Site is a disaster that puts your hard work in vain. In order to deal with the security risks that exploited your website and to ensure that the hackers may not visit your website again, it requires an expertise that not only assures that the website is cleaned but also guarantees that it is protected from the unethical access if ever happened in future.

Fixing a website includes many services. A number of websites provide those services to restore your hacked website. Some of them are costly whereas some provide services at very low rates.

How the pricing affects your website while fixing the hacking issues?

Price Shopping can lead to spending more down the line especially when you have to buy them over and over again. Whether it's in things like malware cleanup, maintenance, and upkeep, or other services, it is always wise to spend more money and invest in quality to achieve benefits in the long run.

Being a reasonably prudent person doesn't mean the one who is always saving money; rather the one who spends wisely on the things that are important. Two important factors that are essential to be considered while making any purchase is - Price And Quality. It's easy to skimp while making an unimportant purchase, for example, shopping for clothing or other supplies and it is perfectly fine to blow out your budget on quality like purchasing services for security of your website.

Why WordPress?

Wordpress is the most widely used website creation tool which is free, open source and written in PHP. Being one of the massively popular blogging and content management system supporting more than 60 million websites, it is used by developers from all over the world to create their websites. One of the downsides to using WordPress is that because it is the easiest target for hackers and malicious code intruders. Hackers don't target a specific website rather they simply use automated tools to scan subnets from the internet to identify security flaws in websites. Therefore if the attackers would found any vulnerable WordPress website on that subnet, they will easily identify and hack it.

WordPress Security Expenses

Security problems can require a ton of money. It’s difficult to calculate the potential damages of a hacked website, but it is sure that the expenses are much higher than you think. Malicious intruders can wreck your personal information, your visitor's information, and thus break your website.

Why should not price shop when getting their site fixed:

If your website is also hacked then the most important thing under consideration should be "What's Next?". Yes, a right step can help you to fix the issues and make your website secure. It's easy to be caught up in buying the cheapest services for WordPress security, as long as you focus on "saving money".

Here are some of the most notable reasons to consider quality over price shopping:

Using Cheaper Services:

It's likely no surprise if website owners prefer to choose cheaper services or websites that offer all services for one price. But cheaper services can lead to spending more down the line. At a low price, chances may arise for improper cleanup of the code, longer than expected time to fix the site, which leads to money loss in running marketing.

Re-occurrence of a hack:

Fixing website does not mean preventing the virus from entering on a website it's just a temporary fix. A pro will just clean your website once without adding the security of website to prevent it from being hacked again.

Leaving security holes behind

A website is always vulnerable to attacks if once a security hole is discovered by an attacker. Sometimes, availing cheap services leaves behind security holes making the site susceptible to attack. These security holes can be Cross-site scripting, lack of firewalls, weak login procedures, and sometimes the virus is present in Database, Finding virus from the database is a tough task so most of the times, the service providers leave such security holes. An experienced hacker easily identifies such weakness holes and thus hacks the website and can do whatever he wants.

Not maintaining the fixed website

Purchasing inexpensive services can once restore your hacked WordPress website but if the website is not maintained in future with preventive measures against such attacks then it may lead to recurring vulnerabilities. Proper maintenance of a victim website is required after it is fixed. A website that provides low-priced services may not save security preference settings or lock services in your network in order to protect it from unauthorized access.

Low Cost WordPress Malware Removal

Purchasing inexpensive services can once restore your hacked WordPress website but if the website is not maintained in future with preventive measures against such attacks then it may lead to recurring vulnerabilities. Proper maintenance of a victim website is required after it is fixed.

A website that provides low-priced services may not provide all qualitative measures to keep your website secure for future vulnerabilities as well. Such vendors also do not provide security preference settings or lock services in your network in order to protect it from unauthorized access.

Does Price really matter when it comes to quality of service?

Saving money is great, but the trade-off is that low prices drive in crowds of buyers which severely diminishes the quality of the shopping experience. Price comparison may help the customers to decide which product to buy or not but competing on price may demolish its quality.

Most of the customers prefer to choose services or products at an urge of discounts or cheap price value. It may gain you a profit of few dollars right now but may turn the tables with a huge loss in future.

It is a fact that fixing Wordpress website often isn’t cheap, but going for a lower level of services just to save money might be a false economy. Having cheaper services means that you might end up paying out more in the long run, especially if your website is again hacked due to left loopholes or lack of security standards.

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