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Kota Ito
Kota Ito

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[React, Next.js] Search function using useDebounce

I wanted to create a search function in my app.
When it comes to search function, I personally like the search bar that I don't need to click a search button after I finish typing.
In order to implement the search function, where search result will be displayed automatically on the app UI after user has finished typing, I learned how to use 'useDebounce' custom hook.


It has a simple function that returns the value after arbitrary duration of time.

(install useBounce library.

set up state and useDebounce

The useDebounce hook takes two arguments: the value to debounce and the debounce delay time in milliseconds (700ms in this case below).

 const [searchText, setSearchText] = React.useState('');
  const [searchTextQuery] = useDebounce(searchText, 700);
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Search input

The search bar input is like this below.
So on every keystroke, searchText state changes but searchTextQuery value won't get updated until user has stopped typing for 700ms.

   onChange={(e) => setSearchText(}
   className="w-[250px] h-[30px] mr-sm p-sm rounded-md"
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Query using bounced searchText value

Since I'm using GraphQl, it takes an argument called skip where I put searchTextQuery, meaning as long as searchTextQuery is empty, it won't fetch data from the database.

 const {
    data: piecesData,
    loading: piecesLoading,
    error: piecesError,
  } = useQuery(SEARCH_PIECESS_QUERY, {
    variables: {
      searchText: searchTextQuery,
    skip: !searchTextQuery,
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useEffect to set PieceSearchResult state

Finally I set up the useEffect.
After searchTextQuery is returned from useDebounce, if there is fetched piecesData, it will update the pieceSearchResult state

React.useEffect(() => {
    if (piecesData && !piecesError && !piecesLoading) {
  }, [
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This will update the search result display section UI below

<div className="grid grid-cols-4 gap-x-4 gap-y-5 w-full">
   {piecesLoading && <Loading size="small"></Loading>}
   {!piecesLoading && pieceSearchResult?.length === 0 && (
    <div className="text-sm h-10">No search result</div>)}
   {pieceSearchResult?.map((piece) => {
    return (
     <div key={}>
      <Link href={`/piece/${}`} onClick={handleModalClose}>
       <div className="relative w-[100%] aspect-[2/3] rounded-md overflow-hidden mb-1">
        <Image alt="piece image" src={piece.imageUrl} fill objectFit="cover" />
     <div className="text-sm">{piece.title}</div>
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Important note:
If you put both search input and search result display section in a modal, make sure you pass them as a children like below, so that the whole Modal component won't get re-rendered.

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Cover image:
from Unsplash
taken by Kenny Eliason

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