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Lessons learned doing open source

Carlos Roso on July 16, 2020

I'm not popular in Github but I have a repo with 1.5K stars and 1M hits/month. I got some more with a few hundred stars. Here's what I've learned a...
richytong profile image
Richard Tong

Thank you for this! I've added a badge to my library thanks to you. Now I want to hit 100% code coverage for the badge a bit 😅

caroso1222 profile image
Carlos Roso

Nice! What's the project? Share it here!

richytong profile image
Richard Tong

I call it rubico - async agnostic functional programming

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caroso1222 profile image
Carlos Roso

Amazing work. I love FP. Does it support TypeScript?

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richytong profile image
Richard Tong • Edited

Thank you! It's written in pure JavaScript, so totally importable in TypeScript. I gotta get around to speccing out some TypeScript examples

akdeberg profile image
Anik Khan

Cool man! Notyf looks really nice to have library. Learning a lot from you.. 😀

caroso1222 profile image
Carlos Roso

Thanks mate! I'm glad I'm being helpful in some way :D

akdeberg profile image
Anik Khan

My pleasure :)

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀 • Edited

Thank you I'm going to use this for (shameless plug 😏) didi especially the cli demo that's great! Wonderful article!

caroso1222 profile image
Carlos Roso

Loving didi, great work man!

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

Thank you Carlos il be follow your stuff.

hasnayeen profile image
Nehal Hasnayeen • Edited

Really good read, thanks for the article. I've a repository with 1.2K stars and it is one of my better work or I like to think so 😛

caroso1222 profile image
Carlos Roso

Goodwork looks terrific, mate, great work! Can you share with us what has worked so far for you?

hasnayeen profile image
Nehal Hasnayeen

Just being patient and keep working on it. OSS projects take time to build up as they are mostly done on free time so it takes a while to build up a project.

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caroso1222 profile image
Carlos Roso

This, so much. OSS is about consistency and long term. Viral repos (+2k stars in 1 week) are very overrated esoteric exceptions to the norm. Easy come, easy go.

alexanderjanke profile image
Alex Janke

Was just starting a new site at work and looks like I'll give this a shot. Hope it works flawlessly with Nuxt ;) The toasts themselves look really nice

caroso1222 profile image
Carlos Roso

Thank you! Let me know if you face any problems

mxldevs profile image
MxL Devs

Definitely feeling that "good looking demo".
I've learned that everything boils down to look & feel. When I try a new library or tool, the ones that look good are the ones that catch my eye

caroso1222 profile image
Carlos Roso

Right, that's been a great lesson from my journey.

fviccia profile image

Great article Carlos!