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sai bhargav
sai bhargav

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History of js

Hello guys meeting you after a long time and i forgot to tell you that i got selected to neogcamp level 1 and now i am practicing the web dev there with some professionals so lets get into the topic.

Today we are going to talk about kingdom of js yeah i mean history of js so js means javascript now everybody will think of that it will be related to java but it is not they are totally different both of they uses and functionality are different and they are being used for their specific problems.

Now college professors will say it is a scripting language it is not programming language you have to learn only programming language but its a myth now javascript has became more powerful its a dynamic programming language so we can transpile it we will later discuss about what is transpilation and compilation.

so js was invented by *BRENDAN EICH * in 1995 which as developed for netscape 2 and after it became ECMA SCRIPT where ECMA means European Computer Manufactures Association where later on this ECMA SCRIPT renamed as JAVASCRIPT so every programming language has its own standard community where in js its TC 39 community where its checks all of its update and javascript its backwards compatible where its any version can work in browser so after the JS versions came where the major changes started from ES3 TO ES6 and ES6+ so this is all about the history

until we meet next time by the way i got this blog idea from neogcamp so huge thanks for this.......

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