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Implement Google OAuth in NestJS using Passport

Tosin Moronfolu on August 15, 2022

Introduction Authentication is an essential part of most applications. Implementing authentication in your application depends on requir...
devgancode profile image
Ganesh Patil

Well written @chukwutosin A great article consist well research and this is actually amazing!

chukwutosin_ profile image
Tosin Moronfolu

Thank you! I appreeciate the feedback.

alexkar13 profile image
Alex Karydis

Thank you for this amazing tutorial! Can confirm that everything is up to date.

chukwutosin_ profile image
Tosin Moronfolu

There might be upgrades in the versions of the several tools used, but it should still work just fine

denernun profile image
Dener Rocha

How to integrate with an angular app ? Just call the route in nestjs ?

chukwutosin_ profile image
Tosin Moronfolu

yes. just call the endpoints like you normally would in a frontend app

abhikbanerjee99 profile image
Abhik Banerjee

This was helpful. Thanks!

chukwutosin_ profile image
Tosin Moronfolu

I'm glad you found it helpful. Thanks!

jesseazevedo profile image
Jessé Azevêdo

Hi @chukwutosin_ ,

Thank you very much for your amazing How To!

chukwutosin_ profile image
Tosin Moronfolu

You're welcome!

igeorge17 profile image

juss started learning nestJS, nice article

chukwutosin_ profile image
Tosin Moronfolu

Oh, that's cool! I'm glad you found it helpful

shifoo28 profile image

Well done, bro

seghodavid profile image
Seghosimhe David

When running locally, the first route does not take me to the google authentication page, is that how it's supposed to be on localhost?

chukwutosin_ profile image
Tosin Moronfolu

No, you probably missed a step. What route did you visit?

seghodavid profile image
Seghosimhe David

I created a route path in my user auth controller, localhost:3000//auth/google
Does it have to be just localhost:3000/

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chukwutosin_ profile image
Tosin Moronfolu

following the article. you just need to visit: localhost:3000/auth

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seghodavid profile image
Seghosimhe David

it works, It did not work previously because I tried to access it from my swagger documentation

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seghodavid profile image
Seghosimhe David

I have a question if you don't mind, In a case where you do not need a refreshToken, what other option can be passed to super() aside accessType?

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chukwutosin_ profile image
Tosin Moronfolu

Any other Google specific options can be passed there. Every other option can be found on Google's documentation which I linked at the end of the article

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seghodavid profile image
Seghosimhe David


seghodavid profile image
Seghosimhe David


mundzirmuin profile image

Thanks, I'll try implement this in my next project

chukwutosin_ profile image
Tosin Moronfolu

Great! Thanks

matias_c85bccf34e791038ff profile image
Matias • Edited

@chukwutosin_ At this point how can I handle state?

I need to pass a custom parameter from the frontend, and get this parameter on backend redirection.

This is to save extra on my DB apart of the data google give me.

Thank you so much!

matias_c85bccf34e791038ff profile image
Matias • Edited

I found a solution:

In file: google.strategy.ts add this function.

async authenticate(req: Request) {
    if (req.query.myData) {
      // /auth
      return super.authenticate('google', {
        state: req.query.myData,
    // /auth/callback
    return super.authenticate(req);
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In file: google.strategy.ts update constructor.

constructor() {
      clientID: '',
      clientSecret: '',
      callbackURL: '',
      scope: ['email', 'profile'],
      passReqToCallback: true, // <---- add this.
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In file: google.strategy.ts update validate function.

  async validate(
    req: Request, // <---- add this.
    accessToken: string,
    refreshToken: string,
    profile: Profile,
    done: VerifyCallback,
  ): Promise<void> {

console.log(req.query.state); // <----- Your data will be here.
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thisisazeez profile image
Abdul Azeez

Please @chukwutosin_ is this going to save to the database?

chukwutosin_ profile image
Tosin Moronfolu

There's no database setup here.