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Meduard Krasniqi
Meduard Krasniqi

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Without user feedback, you’re just another "developer"

This article was originally published in my blog:

I’ve always believed that hearing directly from users is a game changer when building websites. It’s like having a guide who tells you exactly where to go and what to fix. That’s why user feedback is so crucial especially in frontend —it helps us see our work through the users’ eyes.

In this article, I'll share how listening to user feedback has changed the way I build my projects, making them more effective and user-friendly. We’ll look at why this feedback is so important and how you can use it to improve your own web applications.

Why User Feedback is so Important?

First user feedback is all the comments, suggestions, and opinions that users give you about your website. This could be anything from telling you a button is hard to find, to suggesting a new feature that would make their experience better.

Here’s why user feedback is incredibly valuable:

User feedback helps you improve usability. Sometimes, what makes sense to you as a developer doesn't work out so well for the people actually using your products. Feedback helps you see these issues and fix them. It also lets you catch and fix bugs that you might have missed, no matter how much you test.

But it also means you understand their needs better. This is crucial because it guides you in building your applications to meet those needs effectively. Often, users come up with amazing ideas for new features or improvements that you might not have considered.

User feedback benefits

How To Gather User Feedback

I explained above how important user feedback is, now lets look at how to gather it.

Start with surveys. After users interact with your app, send them a brief survey. This can be done immediately after they complete an action in your app or through a follow-up email. Surveys are extremly good for gaining a broad understanding of user experiences and identifying common trends or issues.

Implement feedback forms. Place feedback forms both within your app and on your website. This gives users a convenient way to express their thoughts at any moment. It not only helps you gather continuous feedback but also engages users more deeply with your development process.

Conduct user testing sessions. Invite users to test specific features while you watch their behavior in the app. This method allows you to see firsthand how they navigate your app, providing insights into usability issues that might not be very clear through other forms of feedback.

If possible, shadow your users. watching users in their natural environment, whether in person or through video calls, can offer invaluable insights. This method lets you watch as they use your app in real situations. You can ask questions and gather immediate feedback on their experience, which can lead to more understanding.

Some of the tools that might help you: Google Forms, Typeform,

Gathering user feedback

How I Integrate Feedback into Development

Analyzing Feedback First, I look at all the user comments and see what issues come up a lot. I use a spreadsheet to keep track of what users are saying. This helps me figure out what parts of the app need work.

Prioritizing Changes I can’t fix everything at once, so I choose what to fix first based on how big the problem is and how quickly it needs fixing. I chat with my product manager or designer to make sure we agree on what to do first.

Implementing Changes Then, we start making the changes. Some fixes are quick; others might take longer. We always aim to make the app better based on what users have told us.

This way, I make sure we're really listening to our users and making the app better for them.

Challenges of Using User Feedback

Here are some challenges I’ve faced and how I handle them:

Conflicting Feedback Sometimes, one user says they love something, and another says they hate it. When this happens, I look for more feedback to see which opinion is more common. I also check how these changes would fit with the overall design and goals of the app.

Unrealistic Expectations Users sometimes ask for features that aren’t really possible with our current setup or budget. When this happens, I focus on explaining why certain things can’t be done right now and suggest alternative solutions. It’s all about being honest and clear with users about what we can do.

Handling These Challenges To handle these challenges, communication is key. I make sure to talk things over with my team so we can decide together how to move forward. We also keep our users in the loop, especially if we can’t meet their requests.


Using user feedback is very important when making websites or apps. It helps us see our work from the user's point of view. This feedback helps us improve things, fix problems, and add new features that users want.

Remember, it's not just about getting feedback; it's about really listening and making changes based on what users tell us. Whether through surveys or talking directly to users, every piece of feedback can make your project better.

By paying attention to what users like and don't like, we can make apps and websites that really help and please them. Let's keep listening and improving based on user feedback.

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