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4 Skills to Become a Front-end Developer in 6 Months (Road-map)

Programming with Shahan on August 01, 2021

Let me give you a simple 🚦Roadmap to know where you are, and where you should go next. 🔑Key Concepts Every website has two parts. A Fro...
ats1999 profile image
Rahul kumar

2 months would be enough

codewithshahan profile image
Programming with Shahan • Edited

when I was new into coding, I thought it would take 2/3 months💪. In reality, it takes 9-10 months to master only frontend dev. Even though, I wasted countless of hours by learning random programming languages without knowing the proper steps to follow a specific category.

remember, mastering any programming languages take times.

ats1999 profile image
Rahul kumar

That is the thing you said propar guidance. From my aspect, a just beginner can learn the following as follows:

  • html 2 days
  • css 3 days
  • JavaScript 7 days
  • 10 days to build some projects
  • any framework 10 days
  • next 30 days just build projects

There is nothing more in front end for beginners.

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codewithshahan profile image
Programming with Shahan • Edited

Nice Joke!
This would be a terrible experience for beginners when they try to build real-world projects on their own.

They need to go back HTML CSS or JS. This is frustrating.

Your prospective is suitable for someone who already has some experience with these languages and tools.

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ats1999 profile image
Rahul kumar

If someone genuinely want to learn the he/she can put 6-8 hours daily.

This way in two months, you're going to have 480 hours total.

There are a lot of websites who claims that they can make you full stack developer in jist 300 hours.

If you'll look at the YouTube tutorial for front end developer, you'll found its length is maximum of 10-20-hours (3 days maximum).

If you'll take tutorial for 50 hours in 5 hours a day (300 hours in two months) then also you have 250 hours to practice, build projects,etc...

If you are still saying that you can not be a front end developer, then i can guess that left tab of your browser have opened HTML tutorial and right tab have opened Netflix, Amazon prime,etc...

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vijay711github profile image

Bro you just awesome you are suggestion like diamonds for thanks a lot bro ❤️❤️❤️for motivating me....
and again thanks your words turns my mind 👍😊❤️ keep growing bro

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codewithshahan profile image
Programming with Shahan

Nice calculation. Only Genius Person can do this.

But In general, its nearly impossible to work in an IT company as a frontend developer to solving real world projects right after two months.

For absolute beginners, improving Problem solving skills take times as I mentioned.
I don't wanna to talk about that anymore.

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yoshida profile image
Masao Yoshida

Of course, someone could think he or she has become a frontend developer only in two months.
I think it just tells his attitude for development.
It is easy to do something but difficult to do well.
I think Shahan's roadmap is not long.

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codewithshahan profile image
Programming with Shahan

I agree

addegbenga profile image
Adeyemi Gbenga

Good one

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addegbenga profile image
Adeyemi Gbenga


martinromario55 profile image
Martin Romario Ntuwa

If you can learn this stuff in 30 days, then why the hell would you waste your time learning Front-end development. With that photographic memory, you can as well become a surgeon or better, an astronaut.
Let's Assume it's workable. So you wake up at 7am and start coding (Assuming you don't have a job as well and you live with your parents) You need a total of at least an hour for breakfast, lunch and toilet breaks.
At the end, no one will want to work with you or hire you coz you'll be a psychopath, having no communication skills or interpersonal skills. And in case you need mastery, according to proven research, you need at least 10,000 hours to master any skill. Meaning that you need at least 5 years of 8 hours per day developing the skill in order to master it.

ats1999 profile image
Rahul kumar

you can as well become a surgeon or better, an astronaut.
Let's Assume it's workable
there is something called area of interest

ats1999 profile image
Rahul kumar

For any company anyone can work 8-10 hours a day with pressure/faimily, and can not study 5 hours a day.., great.

skylersaville profile image
Skyler Saville

The difference between a beginner and a master is the master has failed more times than the beginner has tried.

peleisgit profile image
peleisgit • Edited

You are clearly disconnected from reality. You can write such texts when you want to sell your bootcamp to someone :) learning in two months is impossible.

npoku profile image
Nana Poku

I doubt it. To really understand the mechanics and theory behind a language. In this case language”s” it takes more than two months. Let’s not give impression our industry is easy. That anyone can come in and in two months be a pro.

ats1999 profile image
Rahul kumar • Edited

pro, pro,pro... , there is no minimum bare requirement to become pro/expert. As much you'll learn you'll realize that there is few more things left to learn. Simply, learning never ends.

Let's say you want to be pro front-end developer.
pro can not be good at every area of front-end, like UI,UX, optimization, security, design, SEO, Memorry management, etc.

You can not meet any developer who is pro/expert in all the field, because everyone has limitation of mind. You might see a developer with 20-40 YOE, is expert in SEO, but he/she dose't know much about design, same for other areas.

Overall is that you can not become expert in just 2 months, but you can just start development in 2 months.
So, i said 2 months for just html, CSS, JS to just get started.

Correct me if i am wrong.

vijay711github profile image

Really Rahul just 2 months to become a frontend web developer

ats1999 profile image
Rahul kumar

Me as an example

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vijay711github profile image

Ohh nice bro i also want to become a frontend web developer can you pliz tell how much daily you code and learn for 2 months and any suggestion pliz

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ats1999 profile image
Rahul kumar
ats1999 profile image
Rahul kumar
drsimplegraffiti profile image
Abayomi Ogunnusi

@rahul I beg to differ...2 months is enough to grim the surface. Deep diving will require the stated time range, save you are Albert Einstein or Dexter

vijay711github profile image

Really can i become frontend developer in just 2 months and land job 🤔

ats1999 profile image
Rahul kumar

Yes, in just 3 months i have a full stack MERN developer job in a startup, where i used to develop dashboards, real time services and geospatial analysis system.

ats1999 profile image
Rahul kumar
victoreke profile image
Victor Eke

Been learning Frontend for over 12 months now(it gets better with time) and I have to say in all honesty, that it will take more than 6 months to be a frontend dev alone. It's possible but the chances are you'll have to be coding everyday with 100% laser focus.

codewithshahan profile image
Programming with Shahan

100% correct. I totally agree with you.

alaayt profile image

Love u man

iykecharles profile image

Hi, I am a Golang develeoper interested in becoming full stack developer. Someone advised that I need just the basics of JavaScript to learn react ? Is that so? What tutorial would you recommend that would give me just that basics needed for me to learn JavaScript to be equipped for React. Thanks.

codewithshahan profile image
Programming with Shahan

if you already know basics JS I recommend you to take the “object oriented programming with JavaScript” by mosh hamedani.

Otherwise you need to take his “ultimate JavaScript course”. He covered all the essential concepts about js before learning React.

His courses is very professional and short.

Or you can watch this video where I talked about freecodecamp website

vono1412 profile image

I am studying JS right now.

dungvietle profile image

where did you study?

vono1412 profile image

I'm studyinf at scrimba and freecodecamp youtube combined with reading You don't know JS.

vagrantjin profile image
Vagrant Jin Kazama


That's an junior intern programmer who can stitch UI Libraries and NPM install everything like a high-schooler.

You made no mention of actual software development, what and how to test, accessibility, browser compat, libraries, actual Javascript, performance(browser performance bottlenecks) and most importantly, how to debug JS., how to write good software.

We need more developers doing C#,Java, C++

muneebwaqas416 profile image

@codewithshahan I know basic of HTML,CSS , JS ans ReactJS. But when someone tell me to build a responsive HTML,CSS website then it's a nightmare for me.So what should I do?Can you recommend proper time I should give in a day to learn Front end development?Should I have to revisit my HTML,CSS concepts or just start making projects on my own?

youurt profile image
Ugur Tigu

1 day is enough ..

riobrewster profile image

Seriously? No wonder so many sites are such a complete unusable mess!

Yes you might know enough to build a hacky, insecure, fragile front end that doesn't integrate with any backend. But how is the performance? Does it work equally well in all browsers on all devices?

You don't even mention accessibility. As a front end dev that is part of your job and it adds a whole other layer of complexity.

I wonder how the senior developers on your team feel about your arrogance and fixing your unintelligible code.

afourcmd profile image

I am now in my 2nd month learning html and css.

codewithshahan profile image
Programming with Shahan

make sure to understand all the fundamentals before jumping to JavaScript :)

afourcmd profile image

Yeah I will do sir. Thank you for the reminders, though having a hard time.

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codewithshahan profile image
Programming with Shahan

Keep Going. Never stop learning.

kirsty_851d86e1664 profile image

Thanks for this. I found it really useful. I've completed HTML, CSS and a bit of JS and GitHub on Codecademy. They took a couple of months with a few diversions. My experience is that doing these lessons and making it work in the real world are two completely different things. While there are rules, as the saying goes - there are many roads that lead to Rome - the secret is to find what works for you as a developer. Mastery is a VERY long process!

codewithshahan profile image
Programming with Shahan

Glad to hear that.
Yep, the secret is to find what works best for you. I totally agree with you.

musharrofshishir profile image
Musharrof Shishir • Edited

That's a great roadmap. I would like to know more about how can i effectively learn JS and frameworks within/!within the mentioned time? what kind of learning system or guideline i could follow to achieve my goal of being a developer? and also, what to do to build a developer portfolio/profile?
i'm a bit lost ig...

yoshida profile image
Masao Yoshida • Edited

I think it was good to add git at the roadmap.

codewithshahan profile image
Programming with Shahan

Are you talking about images?

yoshida profile image
Masao Yoshida

No I mean you have mentioned about git in your post.

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codewithshahan profile image
Programming with Shahan • Edited

thanks a lot. I didn't realize😁

icephonix1111 profile image


isokafor profile image

Js hasn't been easy, I swear.

codewithshahan profile image
Programming with Shahan

You are right

amouratoglou profile image
Agustin Mouratoglou

You are already born a front end developer. don't waste time.

codewithshahan profile image
Programming with Shahan

Fake News😬