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Making A Web Developer's Life Easy

Hi, today I decided I'd make your life a bit easier by sharing 5 tools that I use/used daily as a Web-Developer, which you may or may not know about, stay stunned to find out!


First up, we have Animista. Animista has simple yet good looking animation which you can easily implement on your website to any element. All you have to do is choose an animation you like and think it would be a good fit for your website, add a few tweaks such as duration time and time-function, click on generate code, copy, and paste to your script. And that's it; you have an animation on your website, which only took 5 seconds to do!

I still use Animista to this day, especially if I don't want to blow a fuse on CSS😂.


Ever came across a color which you love but don't know the Hexadecimal to use on your project? That's why ColorZilla exists. ColorZilla is a chrome and firefox extension that you can download for free! After downloading it, click on the icon extension and click on the color you want to steal.

This is the one tool that I use daily; I'm not really good with color schemes 😶.

W3school Color Picker

I also use W3school Color Picker to pick colors. I use this online color picker to choose a color for a project I am currently working on. I like this specific one because it will automatically show you the color's shades when choosing a color from the color palette.

I used this mostly for on hover button since it gives you the shades of the color.


Unlimited stock free photos which you can download and use for your projects and websites for free! There are other great stock free photo sites, but Pexels is the first link that shows up on Google, so might as well use that. So far, I have always found what I wanted from one single website, so I highly recommended it 📷.

WebDesign Inspiration

I recently discovered this website while writing this. With all honesty, the few seconds I scrolled through this website, I got a project idea which I will be working on this week. It has some good themes that will inspire you for your next project!


And that's it! Those are the 5 tools that will make your life a bit easier as a web developer, which surprisingly people do not talk too much on. As you can probably tell, I'm new to this blogging/ article writing and even newer to this platform (Dev). I would greatly appreciate it if you could leave a like and leave your thought in the comment section! Stay safe, and don't forget your masks 😷.

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