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Daniil Rabizo
Daniil Rabizo

Posted on • Originally published at Medium

Building a reusable and configurable table with Angular Material 15

The mat-table in Angular Material provides a data-table that can be used to display rows of data, but it is not reusable and leads to a lot of code duplication.

Therefore there is a possibility to build your own reusable generic table on its basis, with optionally configurable pagination, filtering, sorting, columns and row actions, just using Angular and Material Design.

Table component

Column interface

First of all, we have to define the column interface, in order to pass the column information to the table from a parent component:


Secondly, we create our reusable table component with ng generate component table command, and define configurable input and output paramaters in the .ts file, which are being passed from parent component.

Input from the parent component:

  • isPageable: should the table have pagination?
  • isSortable: should the table have sorting?
  • isFilterable: should there be a filter, operating on the whole table?
  • tableColumns: columns of type interface TableColumn👆ðŸŧ with parameters (name, dataKey, position, isSortable)
  • rowActionIcon: name of the mat-icon, that is going to be embedded in each row.
  • paginationSizes: options for rows number on a page
  • defaultPageSize: default number of rows on a page
  • tableData: the actual data, which must have a setter, to dynamically get changes of the from parent component (e.g. after sorting it in parent). If we want to apply pipes or services on this data, we should do it in the parent component beforehand, and pass the “ready to display” data in the table.

Output events to the parent component:

  • sort: Outputs the key to sort with, and the direction(ascending, descending). The sorting logic must be implemented in the parent component, in order to keep the table abstract and simple. Moreover, sorting of different datatypes, e.g. Date and string has different logic, and it is impossible to foresee all sorting strategies in the table.
  • rowAction: Outputs the whole row, when a user clicks on the action-icon in the given row.

Table template

Thirdly, we define a template for the table component, and make almost everything optional with *ngIf directive, for instance: filter, row-action, sorting and pagination:


We have created customers-table and orders-table components, which use our generic table component and pass data to it.

customers-table component only uses basic table features, therefore it only passes the data array and columns definition to the table.

orders-table uses all features of table and explicitly passes all optional parameters, to turn on the pagination, filtering and sorting.

Complete code

Reusable Angular Material table


Project for configurable and reusable angular material table 1_rIwXvPHmmvPbd2TagMvNRw

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the --prod flag for a production build.

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