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I am a Super IT Dad

Earlier this week, my daughter requested I help her with her assignment; it was a guided composition on "My Father". Quickly, just like the dutiful father I am, I set out to help her write the best composition about her Super Dad ever. Things went on smoothly until I got to a line about 'My father is a______. He works in a/an __________. The second part was easy, but the first one had me thinking for a couple of minutes as I tried to put a definite title to what I actually do.

The thing is, I have worn a couple of hats (and still do) ever since I stumbled into the world of computers back in 2000; I remember the first time the words β€œDo you Yahoo?” jumped at me from a computer screen. It was indeed love at first sight; a match made in heaven.

I started out as a Desktop publisher/Computer Operator punching away at the keyboard daily with four fingers; typing letters, projects, CVs, designing flyers, letterheads, invoices and business cards (MS Word, Adobe PageMaker, CorelDraw & Photoshop were my go-to tools).

Then I stumbled upon a Windows β€˜98 disc and immediately upgraded to being a "Computer Engineer" helping people format their Pentium 2/3/4/M/D PCs back in the hey days of Windows 98 through Windows XP, bravely battling the dreaded Ralia Odinga worm, New Folder.exe worm and other villainous worms/viruses prevalent at that time. Oh! The joys of Avast Boot time Scan and Avira Bootable tool. Who remembers that annoying noise Kapersky used to make whenever it detects a virus? It used to drive me crazy then.

Not content with being an "Engineer", I went to school, got evaluation copies of Windows Vista & Server 08 from my friend and mentor (@Fatai Lasisi, God bless you abundantly), studied hard, wrote my MS exams and became certified; Microsoft's Virtual PC really was a lifesaver. I almost dislocated my shoulder while trying to pat myself the back the day I passed my 70-680 exam.

Then I became an IT Officer at an IT/Digital Marketing firm and got introduced to the super-crazy world of User Support where IT is to blame for every and anything! I can't send emails, call IT. I can't find the power button on my PC, call IT... The AC isn't cooling enough, call IT! The door is stuck and won’t open, call IT! It was crazy!!! I did more than just support though; I was network admin, then server admin. It was fun. I learned how to deal with users and tolerate people, and in that process, became a better person.

Since then I have worked as User Support, Database Admin, Network Admin, Server Admin, IT Manager, and even dabbled into programming (I believe building my company's HR tool, an Appraisal & performance system, and an Operations Management system that is being used across our nine branches in West Africa, from the ground up in PHP/MySQL should count, right?). Lest I forget, my Desktop Publishing skills are still somewhat okay. While on the Homefront, I am a storyteller, clown/comedian extraordinaire, motivational speaker, human-horse, macho-man, home-made Google, song composer, encyclopedia, dispute resolution expert, games referee, Mr. Fix It, Super Hero, noodles maker, human ATM, and other such duties as the need arises.

Anyways, after much deliberation, I ended up putting IT Professional in the field and continued with the composition; no time to waste time, as I always say. Need I say she scored top marks and rewarded me with a big peck and a warm hug. I am indeed a Super Dad, and that is the best title of all!

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