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Efua GODgirl Sackey
Efua GODgirl Sackey

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CSS and HTML (The Basic Frontenders)

Hyper Text Markup Language popularly known as HTML is a language used to structure and organize the layout of a webpage. It forms that basis of all website creations and it is used as the fundamental building block of almost every website. Cascading Style Sheets also known as CSS is primarily used for styling web pages to make them look more attractive and appealing to the eye. Though they both have their peculiar functions, they are interlinked with each other and more often than not have to be used together.
HTML tends to be a bit rigid and hard on content and structure altercations where as CSS has more relaxed features such that the programmer is able to make additions and changes more easily.
We can think of the relationship between HTML and CSS as HTML being used primarily to build the skeleton while CSS is primarily used to add flesh to the skeleton built by HTML. Anything that has to do with the functionality and structuring of the webpage is handled by HTML where as anything that has to do with beautification of the web page and enhancing it's layout is handled by CSS.
Although they have different characteristics, their interdependent nature makes it a bit difficult to use one without the other. Thus a knowledge of both is pivotal to getting a great website.

Since HTML tends to be a bit static in the way it has to be used as discussed earlier, most programmers are now tending towards using React JS for building their websites.React JS is another frontend technology that is used to do advanced structuring . It still uses one or two elements from HTML but it isn't as dependent on HTML as CSS is.
Having worked with only HTML and CSS for projects in the past , with a bit of JavaScript, I find a transition to React JS exciting and I look forward to learning more about it during HNG's internship 11.

Learn more about HNG internship via the links below 👇

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