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Decision #1: PWA only

PWAs provide the needed functionality for many types of apps while significantly reducing the development cost vs. building native apps. Discoverability is sacrificed, but I expect that to be a worthy trade-off for the first version of the app.

Progressive Web Apps Support and Functionality

A progressive web app (PWA) is an app that's built using web platform technologies, but that provides a user experience like that of a platform-specific app. ~Mozilla Dev Docs


  • Reduce development costs and time to launch by developing a single app (web) rather than three (web, iOS, Android).
  • Reduce release cycle time by avoiding the delays and slowdowns introduced by app store processes and the occasional lack of actionable feedback provided during submission failures.


  • The reality is that when people hear of an app they expect, for the most part, to be able to find it in the app store. Adding hints to the web app may help make the install experience more accessible.
  • In the long term it may be important to launch native apps to capture the audience that goes there first.

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