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Franco Scarpa
Franco Scarpa

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How my 2019 was

This article was originally published on my website.

On Twitter, I’ve seen people posting stuff about their 2019. Some users had published a bunch of lines on that silo, other ones had written an entire article on their website, like Matthias Ott did. Being a web developer and author myself, I composed this article in which I review what happened during my 2019.


During 2019, I have learned how to eat in a more healthily way. I’ve always eaten a lot of sugar, sweets, snacks, ice creams, etc. I already knew the most essential things, such as it is critical to eat less (or better, no) sugar, but I learned other relevant information. For example, it’s necessary to eat fewer (primarily animal) proteins than we usually do. The most crucial point, however, is that I have started cooking by myself, preparing essential but healthy dishes. A cornerstone of this new diet has been eating more seasonal fruits and vegetables. I wasn’t able to be constant, but I plan to show myself I’m capable of following this diet during 2020. I want to be able to organize my time between work, leisure, social life, exercise, and preparation of my meals.


I’m happy to announce I will start a traineeship for hiring purposes on 7 January 2020 at Nebula. After taking a BD in Computer Science in 2018, my plan is to begin making experience. So far, I’ve worked as a sailor for a public transport service. Now it’s time to make my hands dirty. I hope I can grow a lot on the professional level starting with 2020.

My personal website

During 2019 I found more about static site generators, and thank God I discover Eleventy. I love JAMstack, and I plan to learn more and more about static websites, serverless functions, web performance, assets optimization, and computer networking. My website is something that makes me incredibly proud. Having created it from scratch allowed me to assemble all of its parts in the best way, from CSSs to the JavaScript code, up to the management of fonts, colors, and layout. I wanted to make it graphically unique and captivating to give it my mark. I’m always inclined to change or perfect it, but I think I have reached a point where I really like it. This has allowed me to focus more on content rather than graphics. My site doesn’t use any third-party tracking script or external JavaScript code; your browsing experience is the most important subject for me. In December 2019, I implemented the dark mode and a way for visitors to send me private communications via Twitter’s Direct Messages.


I wouldn’t say I like reading books too much. The only one I finished in 2019 was “Permanent Record” by Edward Snowden. I found it to be really disconcerting and educational at the same time. I highly suggest you read it. You can find my short review of the book here.

My plans for 2020

In the professional field, I want 2020 to be my distinct year, the one in which I start putting my knowledge at the service of what I love: Computer Science. I’ll undoubtedly continue to give lifeblood to my website, updating it both on the graphic and content side. I’ll make it even more accessible, and I plan to implement other useful functions. As for my life, I can say I only want 2020 to be full of joy and extraordinary moments, both for the people I love and me.

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