DEV Community

Ahmed Bankole
Ahmed Bankole

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Geeky Codes:💻 An Opensource Mini Developer Blogging Platform

What I built

I built a mini developer blogging platform similar to WordPress but with lesser features and better security. It allows users to login/register to create articles which are posted on the blog homepage. Some of its features includes a commenting system that works anonymously,author profiles, uploading of files, creation,deletion and updating of articles created by a user, a interactive user dashboard and others

Submission Category:

Foundational Technology


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How I built it

I built this using node.js and express to handle the server process, MongoDB for database and handlebars for the template engine.
The project was made using an MVC project architecture which includes the controllers,middlewares,config,views and models.

I am into backend development with Node.js.Since I have been working on projects with node js for quite a long time,I decided to test my level of node js and build an open source application that allows users to create articles.
Sadly,I faced a lot of issues and had to go to stack over flow especially when the admin routes keep flashing with the users routes

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