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Grëg Häris
Grëg Häris

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Validating Forms with JavaScript: Lessons from The Odin Project.

For the past 3 days, I've been working on client-side form validation with JavaScript. This project has significantly improved my JavaScript proficiency.

Join me as I walk you through my journey, the key features of the project, the technologies I used, and the valuable lessons I learned along the way.

I had the opportunity to dive deep into client-side form validation as part of The Odin Project's Javascript lessons.

Starting this mini-project, I decided to challenge myself by combining most of the concepts I'd been learning in the "Organizing Your Code" and "JavaScript in the Real World" sections of the JavaScript course. This included factory functions, ES6 modules, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles, npm, and linting. To put these skills to the test, I decided to dynamically create the form and its elements using JavaScript.

Here are the key features and lessons learned:

  • Client-Side Form Validation

The core of this project is implementing client-side form validation. This involves using JavaScript to validate user inputs before they are submitted to the server. This ensures that the data is in the correct format and provides immediate feedback to the user, enhancing the overall user experience.

  • Factory Functions

To keep the code modular and reusable I decided to apply one of the OOP code organization methods.

You see, I have been struggling to learn Object Constructors and methods, Classes and factory function techniques.

So I used this project as an opportunity to practice them.

After trying all three, I decided to utilize factory functions as it best suit my project.

These functions allowed me to create and manage form elements efficiently, making the codebase more maintainable and scalable.

  • Dynamic Input Fields

When planing, I also decided to add dynamic input fields for country code selection and country flag display, making the form more user-friendly and interactive.

To be honest, I knew adding those features would be challenging, but I didn't realize just how difficult it would be. Despite the challenges, I enjoyed the experience.

So I donned my research hat and started exploring Google Search, AI tools, Stack Overflow, and YouTube to learn how to implement those features.

In my search, I discovered an excellent tutorial on YouTube that took me through the process of creating an input with country code and flag. Here it is:

Creating these dynamic input fields, was a challenging but rewarding task. It taught me more how to manipulate the DOM effectively and handle user interactions dynamically.

The most valuable lessons was understanding various client-side validation techniques. From simple input checks to more complex pattern matching, I learned how to ensure data integrity without relying solely on server-side validation.

Technologies Used:

Core Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Build Tools: Webpack, npm
Icons: Iconify-Icon
Linting: ESLint, Prettier

How to Run the Project:

  • Clone the repository: formValidation-Mini-Project.git
  • Open repository in your code editor: I recommend VScode.
  • Install dependencies: Run npm install.
  • Build the project: Run npm run build.
  • Open the project: Navigate to dist/index.html and open it in your browser.

Alternatively, you can skip these steps and simply click here to test the form and see client-side validation in action.

Future Improvements

While the project is functional and meets personal and the assignment requirements, there are always opportunities for improvement. Some future enhancements include:

  • Bug Fixes: Despite my efforts, there may be some underlying bugs that need to be addressed.

  • Server-Side Validation: Learning and Implementing server-side validation to complement the client-side validation. This can provide an extra layer of security and data integrity.

  • Enhanced UI/UX: Improving the user interface and experience with more interactive elements and feedback can enhance the overall usability of the form.

In conclusion, this project was a valuable learning experience that allowed me to deepen my understanding of JavaScript, DOM manipulation, and web development best practices. I encourage you to take on similar projects to challenge yourself and continue growing as a developer

Feel free to contribute to the project or provide feedback. Happy coding!

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