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Hadil Ben Abdallah
Hadil Ben Abdallah

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🚀 The Ultimate Guide to DOs and DON'Ts for Software Developers 🛠️

Hey there, code wizards and keyboard warriors! 👋 Ready to level up your dev game? Buckle up as we dive into the DOs and DON'Ts of software development. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, there's something here for everyone. Let's make coding great again! 🎉

1. Code Quality 🧼

DOs ✅

  • DO write clean, readable code. It's like brushing your teeth – do it regularly, and everyone will thank you! 😁
  • DO use meaningful variable names. myAwesomeVariable > x (unless you're solving for x, of course 🧮)
  • DO comment your code. Your future self will high-five you! 🙌

DON'Ts ❌

  • DON'T repeat yourself (DRY). Wet code is as fun as wet socks. Eww. 🧦
  • DON'T ignore code smells. If it smells funky, it probably needs a shower. 🚿
  • DON'T write "clever" code. We're not here to win the Obfuscated Code Contest. 🏆

2. Version Control 🕰️

DOs ✅

  • DO commit often. It's like saving your game progress – you never know when the boss (bug) will appear! 🎮
  • DO write meaningful commit messages. Future archaeologists will appreciate it. 🏺
  • DO use branches for new features. Keep your main branch as pure as a unicorn's tears. 🦄

DON'Ts ❌

  • DON'T commit directly to main. That's like playing Jenga with production. Risky business! 📊
  • DON'T ignore merge conflicts. They're like family drama – deal with them ASAP! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
  • DON'T forget to .gitignore. Nobody needs to see your super-secret API keys. 🔑

3. Continuous Learning 🧠

DOs ✅

  • DO stay curious. Technology moves faster than a caffeinated cheetah! ☕🐆
  • DO read other people's code. It's like peeking into their coding diary. 📖
  • DO attend meetups and conferences. Free pizza and knowledge – what's not to love? 🍕

DON'Ts ❌

  • DON'T be afraid to ask questions. The only dumb question is the one you don't ask (and then spend 3 hours debugging). 🤔
  • DON'T stop learning. The day you stop learning is the day your code starts smelling like week-old sushi. 🍣
  • DON'T ignore soft skills. Code won't hug you when you're stressed (yet). 🤗

4. Teamwork 🤝

DOs ✅

  • DO communicate clearly. Your team can't read your mind (no matter how loud you think). 📢
  • DO be open to feedback. It's like free lessons, but without the student loans! 🎓
  • DO help others. Karma is real in the coding world. ☯️

DON'Ts ❌

  • DON'T be a lone wolf. Even lone wolves have wolf friends. 🐺
  • DON'T ignore code reviews. They're not just for finding your typos (although that's fun too). 🔍
  • DON'T take criticism personally. It's about the code, not your cat-themed variable names. 🐱

5. Problem Solving 🧩

DOs ✅

  • DO break big problems into smaller ones. Eat that elephant one bite at a time! 🐘
  • DO rubber duck debug. If you can explain it to a duck, you can solve it! 🦆
  • DO take breaks. Sometimes the best code is written during a coffee break. ☕

DON'Ts ❌

  • DON'T reinvent the wheel. Unless you're making a square wheel. Then by all means, innovate! 🔲
  • DON'T ignore edge cases. They're like ninjas – rare but deadly. 🥷
  • DON'T optimize prematurely. Make it work, then make it fast. Usain Bolt didn't start by breaking records! 🏃‍♂️

6. Work-Life Balance ⚖️

DOs ✅

  • DO take care of your health. Your body is your most important development environment. 💪
  • DO have hobbies outside coding. Yes, debugging your life doesn't count. 🎸
  • DO celebrate your wins, big or small. Solved a tricky bug? Time for a victory dance! 💃

DON'Ts ❌

  • DON'T burn yourself out. You're a developer, not a candle. 🕯️
  • DON'T neglect sleep. Dreaming is just your brain's way of refactoring. 😴
  • DON'T forget to backup... your social life. Friends are the best error handlers! 👫

Remember, these DOs and DON'Ts are more guidelines than strict rules. Except for committing directly to main. Seriously, don't do that. 😉

Now go forth and code, you magnificent developers! May your bugs be few and your coffee be strong. Happy coding! 💻☕

Thanks for reading!

Made with 💙 by Hadil Ben Abdallah.

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Top comments (4)

gregharis profile image
Grëg Häris

Great post man.
I struggle with these:

  • DO have hobbies outside coding. Yes, debugging your life doesn't count. 🎸
  • DON'T burn yourself out. You're a developer, not a candle. 🕯️
  • DON'T neglect sleep. Dreaming is just your brain's way of refactoring. 😴
  • DON'T forget to backup... your social life. Friends are the best error handlers! 👫

I am often indoors either on my computer or on the bed for few hours rest. Me going out doors are for workouts in the morning and then quick shopping.

I am working on them though and getting better. Though I need to put in more effort as I often still neglect these areas because I have so much to do with little time and resources.

Thanks for the reminder 🦾

hadil profile image
Hadil Ben Abdallah

Hey there, coding comrade! 👋 Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts – it's awesome that you're working on finding that balance! 🌟

I totally get it. The struggle is real when it comes to stepping away from the screen, especially when there's so much to learn and do in our field. It's like your code is calling out, "Just one more commit!" 😅

The key is progress, not perfection. You're already on the right track, and every small effort counts. Your future self (and your code) will thank you for it!

Keep up the great work, and remember – you're not just refactoring code, you're refactoring your life. And that's the ultimate optimization! 🚀✨

Happy coding (and living)! 😊🖥️🌳

gregharis profile image
Grëg Häris

This is even better. Thanks man 🦾🫡

gikdev profile image
Mohammad Mahdi Bahrami

Awesome article! Good job 👏🏻