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Hussain Ahmed Siddiqui
Hussain Ahmed Siddiqui

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Do you know about SUPABASE and powers?
Read this to have a basic knowledge of it.
This has the following sections:

  1. Introduction
  2. Use in IOT


Supabase is an open-source platform that provides developers with a suite of tools to build and scale their applications efficiently. Often referred to as an open-source alternative to Firebase, Supabase offers a range of backend services including a PostgreSQL database, authentication mechanisms, real-time subscriptions, and an auto-generated API that facilitates easy data handling. It simplifies backend development tasks, allowing developers to focus more on the front end and user experience.

The core of Supabase is its PostgreSQL database, which ensures robust, reliable storage and retrieval of data. The platform automatically generates RESTful and GraphQL APIs from your database schema, making it easier to interact with data. Supabase also supports real-time capabilities, where changes in the database can be streamed to applications instantly, enabling dynamic and interactive user experiences.

Furthermore, Supabase provides built-in authentication with simple yet secure management of users, including support for third-party logins. Its scalable architecture ensures that as your user base grows, your application remains performant and responsive.


Supabase offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to enhance application development. Here are some of its key features:

  1. Database: At its core, Supabase uses PostgreSQL, an advanced open-source relational database that supports both traditional SQL and modern features like JSON storage and full-text search. This robust system allows for complex queries and data relationships.
  2. Real-time Data: One of the standout features of Supabase is its real-time capabilities. Developers can subscribe to database changes using websockets, allowing users to see updates immediately without refreshing their screens. This is ideal for applications requiring instant data updates, such as chat applications or live dashboards.
  3. Authentication: Supabase provides a built-in authentication system that supports email and password login, as well as OAuth logins with providers like Google, GitHub, and Twitter. This system also handles security aspects like token refresh and encryption securely and conveniently.
  4. Auto-generated APIs: Supabase automatically generates RESTful and GraphQL APIs based on your database schema. This significantly reduces the amount of backend code developers need to write and maintain, speeding up the development process.
  5. Storage: For handling files, Supabase offers a storage solution that integrates seamlessly with its other services. Developers can manage user-generated content such as images, videos, and documents, with built-in security to control access.
  6. Extensibility: Supabase can be extended with PostgreSQL functions, triggers, and stored procedures, allowing for custom backend logic that can be executed directly within the database.
  7. Dashboard: Supabase provides a clean, user-friendly dashboard for managing your project. From here, you can control your database, manage authentication, view API logs, and configure other services.
  8. Local Development: Supabase offers a CLI tool that allows developers to run their entire project locally. This is particularly useful for testing changes without affecting the production database.

Use of SUPABASE in relation to IOT:

Supabase is an increasingly popular choice for backend services in Internet of Things (IoT) applications due to its real-time capabilities and robust database management features. Here are some ways Supabase can be effectively used in IoT scenarios:

  1. Real-time Device Monitoring: IoT devices often need to send real-time data to a server for monitoring purposes. Supabase's real-time subscriptions allow developers to listen for changes in the database and update the user interface or alert systems instantly. This is crucial for applications like real-time health monitoring systems, environmental monitoring, or smart home control panels.
  2. Device Management and Authentication: With its built-in authentication and security features, Supabase can manage device access and ensure that data exchanges between devices and the server are secure. Devices can be treated as users, with specific permissions and roles defined to control what each device is allowed to access or modify.
  3. Event-Driven Triggers: IoT systems often rely on event-driven logic, where actions are triggered by specific changes in data. Supabase supports PostgreSQL triggers and functions, allowing developers to implement complex business logic directly in the database. For example, a trigger could be set to turn on cooling systems when temperature sensors detect a threshold being crossed.
  4. Scalable Data Storage and Access: IoT applications can generate vast amounts of data. Supabase’s use of PostgreSQL ensures that it can handle large volumes of data with efficient querying capabilities. This is essential for applications like logging device data over time and analyzing this data for trends or anomalies.
  5. Simplified API Integration: Since Supabase automatically generates RESTful and GraphQL APIs from the database schema, integrating various IoT devices and third-party services becomes more streamlined. This reduces the complexity of developing custom APIs for each new device or data source.
  6. Data Visualization and Reporting: The real-time data stream from IoT devices can be utilized for dashboarding and reporting purposes directly through Supabase. Developers can create dynamic dashboards that reflect current device statuses or environmental conditions, enhancing decision-making and operational efficiency.
  7. Remote Configuration: IoT devices often require updates or configuration changes that can be managed remotely. Supabase's storage solutions and database updates can be used to push configuration changes and firmware updates to devices without requiring physical access.


Supabase and Firebase are both popular backend-as-a-service platforms that offer developers a variety of tools to build dynamic applications without the need to manage infrastructure. However, they have distinct characteristics, target different use cases, and are built on different philosophies. Here’s a comparative look at their key differences:

1. Open Source vs. Proprietary

  • Supabase: It is an open-source alternative to Firebase. This means that the code is freely available for modification, and there's a community contributing to its development. This can be beneficial for companies that prefer open-source solutions for security or customization reasons.
  • Firebase: Owned by Google, Firebase is a proprietary service. It has a robust infrastructure and integration with many other Google services, but users are limited to the features provided, with less flexibility for modification.

2. Database Technology

  • Supabase: Uses PostgreSQL, which is a powerful, open-source relational database. PostgreSQL supports complex queries, relational data, and JSON, offering greater flexibility for developers who need advanced database functionalities.
  • Firebase: Primarily uses Firestore (a newer version of Firebase Realtime Database), which is a NoSQL database. It is great for real-time data handling and syncs across client apps in real time. However, it may not suit applications requiring complex queries and relationships.

3. Real-time Capabilities

  • Supabase: Offers real-time capabilities by leveraging PostgreSQL’s listen/notify features. It allows developers to use SQL to create, read, update, and delete data in real time.
  • Firebase: Provides extensive real-time database solutions. Its real-time updates are highly optimized and a core feature, suitable for applications that rely heavily on real-time interactivity.

4. Authentication

  • Supabase: Provides authentication features that are somewhat less comprehensive than Firebase but still support important functionalities like OAuth logins, magic links, and email/password authentication.
  • Firebase: Offers a more extensive set of authentication options, including phone number authentication, custom auth system integration, and more robust third-party integrations.

5. API Generation

  • Supabase: Automatically generates RESTful and GraphQL APIs based on your database schema, which can significantly speed up backend development.
  • Firebase: Does not automatically generate REST APIs in the same way. While Firebase provides SDKs and a REST API for accessing your data, the approach is more about interacting through Firebase’s client SDKs rather than a direct API over your database schema.

6. Extensibility and Integration

  • Supabase: Being based on PostgreSQL, it can be integrated into existing systems that use PostgreSQL. Its open-source nature also allows for deeper customization and integration with other tools and services.
  • Firebase: Integrates very well with other Google products like Google Analytics and AdMob. While Firebase can be extended via Google Cloud functions, the customization might not be as deep as what can be achieved with an open-source platform like Supabase.

7. Pricing

  • Supabase: Offers a generous free tier, and since it's open-source, you can host it on your own infrastructure, which might be cost-effective at scale.
  • Firebase: Also offers a free tier, but pricing can scale significantly based on the number of reads, writes, and deletes. This can become expensive for applications with heavy data usage.

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