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Jayanta Adhikary
Jayanta Adhikary

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Why I like using Vim

My friends keep on asking me "Why do you use Vim?". And my reply to this question is simple, to boost my productivity🤷‍♂️

By using Vim we force ourselves to use the keyboard every time we perform some action in our code. By not moving our hands from the keyboard to the mouse, we save a few seconds⌛️
These seconds are very minimal but when you see the amount of work you are able to do by just sticking to the keyboard, you will know why many people like using Vim💻
If you are coding and you have to move your hand to the mouse, your productivity is affected. Whereas if you just use the keyboard and focus more on the code, you might enter the flow state which will help boost your productivity👨‍💻
Now I don't use Vim directly and am more of a Vim extension user. I use Vim extensions/plugins in both VS Code and Goland(Golang ide by jetbrains).
In VS Code you can just search for "Vim" in the extension section and download it.
Vim for VS Code

For Jetbrains IDEs you can download "IdeaVim" from the plugins section.
Image description

These extensions and plugins will help you to run your code in your code editor by using Vim commands. This will help you become more productive while keeping the features of your favourite IDEs.
Have a happy and productive programming!!👋

Top comments (4)

sammyrast profile image

Even though I knew vim and vi existed I never try to use them for development , only for accessing some server or things like that. I have to say I am super productive since I gave vim a chance . I only use basic commands and I see already the benefit with the speed and big benefit when it comes to refactoring code.

jayantaadhikary profile image
Jayanta Adhikary

Even I use only the basic commands most of the times and these help a ton in increasing our productivity. I am not a hardcore user myself, I use the plugin for vim in the IDEs most of the time just because it allows us to use the functionality of the ide and we can disable the vim feature whenever we like. You know sometimes we are just not in the mood to use something, plugin's useful in those times lol.

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

So many hardcore Vim users out there. One day i'm going to have to give it a thorough try to see what all the fuss is about 😁

jayantaadhikary profile image
Jayanta Adhikary

Yeah, many people love Vim. Although I am not a hardcore user, I love using it as it helps me concentrate more on writing code💪