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Job Ready Programmer
Job Ready Programmer

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Warning for Front-End Dev Careers!

I would like to share one piece of advice with you, which is to avoid careers centered on the front-end.

Now, what do I mean by that?

Problems: Front-end keeps changing

You see, front-end technologies keep changing all the time. So, when you focus only on the front-end, you will face a lot of difficulties in the upcoming years. Here are several reasons why.

Let’s take a scenario. Let’s say you are an Angular developer who has worked in a company for several years. And you haven't invested enough time building good applications from start to finish, from the data layer to the middle-tier server-side APIs, how to containerize applications, how to construct proper software objects, and how to deploy applications in different types of environments.

Now, by the time you leave the company, you realize that the front-end landscape has changed a lot. And let’s say there are very limited positions for Angular developers. So, you are in a position to relearn another framework like React or Vue JS. And then you start looking for a new job. As you can see, this is a very dangerous position to exist in.

This is what happens with front-end “focused” careers. So, things change a lot in UI.

Problems: Automation tools for front-end

The existence of several automation tools is another reason to stay away from the front end. You see, business owners and especially entrepreneurs are becoming more favorable to these types of tools to design User Interfaces that provide drag-and-drop functionalities. And this is just the beginning. These UI automation tools are becoming more and more advanced with modern features and robust ways to create UIs without the need to write a single line of code. In that case, where does that leave someone who has only worked on the front end?

Having said that, what are the options when faced with a situation like this?

Solutions: Prepare yourself as a full-stack developer

To solve this issue, you need to be prepared as a full-stack developer. Usually, a full-stack developer makes a good application by having a wide range of knowledge. But what does that mean?

A full-stack software developer typically knows the front end, back end, and servers but they're not front-end experts. They don't have to be. They just need to know a little bit of HTML, and CSS and be able to make API calls with JavaScript and kind of put the piping together. But they will be mostly working on the data layer, the business logic of the application, the middle tier, and the micro-services.

Also, be able to apply object-oriented principles, be able to make the codebase more extensible, make use of proper design principles, and know how to deploy the codebase in containerized environments. So this is critical knowledge, which includes the actual logic building of the application.

Solutions: Learn long-lasting skills like Java, SQL, Python

So, I will recommend you focus on learning the skills which have a low-time preference. Skills like SQL, Java, Python, and Spring have existed for a long time and have proven to provide very stable careers that will last for more than 10 or 15 years I mean, Java has been around for almost 30 years now, maybe longer, Python has been around for even longer, and SQL has been around for nearly 50 years now. And these things don't change very often.

And that’s my motto, to stick with these long-lasting skills that are important and skills that emphasize the fundamentals. The fundamental principles of good software construction, data modeling, and software design don't change that often. Those are the things you must focus on to become a solid software development professional!

For a well-rounded career where you're constantly improving the skills you need to build a project from start to finish, you need to focus on the fundamentals.

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About the Author

Imtiaz Ahmad is an award-winning Udemy Instructor who is highly experienced in big data technologies and enterprise software architectures. Imtiaz has spent a considerable amount of time building financial software on Wall St. and worked with companies like S&P, Goldman Sachs, AOL and JP Morgan along with helping various startups solve mission-critical software problems. In his 13+ years of experience, Imtiaz has also taught software development in programming languages like Java, C++, Python, PL/SQL, Ruby and JavaScript. He’s the founder of Job Ready Programmer — an online programming school that prepares students of all backgrounds to become professional job-ready software developers through real-world programming courses.

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