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Compatibility Issue with Dog Crate Size Calculator on Different Browsers

Dear Developers

I hope this message finds you well. I am a user of the Dog Crate Size Calculator on the World Animals Foundation website (, and I wanted to bring to your attention an issue regarding its compatibility with various browsers.

I have noticed that the calculator functions smoothly on some browsers, while on others, it encounters compatibility issues. Specifically, I have tested the calculator on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari, where it works as expected. However, when using Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer, the calculator fails to load or displays incorrect results.

As a user who relies on the accuracy of the Dog Crate Size Calculator for my pet's well-being, I am concerned about this discrepancy in browser compatibility. It is essential for the calculator to function uniformly across different browsers to ensure a seamless user experience for all visitors to the website.

Could you please look into this matter and provide guidance on how to address the compatibility issues with the Dog Crate Size Calculator on Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer? Additionally, if there are any updates or optimizations planned to enhance the calculator's compatibility across all browsers, I would appreciate being informed about them.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Your prompt assistance in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

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