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Junior developer interviews are the easiest to pass but 90% of developers fail. why???

Interviews for junior developers are the easiest to succeed at, however 90% of developers fail.

Why? Juniors don't have the proper priorities in mind
What you must do to succeed in entry-level interviews is as follows:

  1. Nail the behavioral questions You are a junior. Expectations for you are low but they need you to be of the utmost behavior and aura. Here, you need to be charming. Demonstrate your ability to be a strong team player. Drop your ego. While predominantly a technical interview, some behavioral questions might be included to assess your psyche and how well you handle various situations.

Can you describe a situation where you disagreed with a team member about the best approach to solving a technical problem? How did you handle the disagreement, and what was the outcome?

Have you ever encountered a situation where you felt overwhelmed by the workload or the complexity of the tasks? How did you manage your stress and ensure the quality of your work remained high?

  1. Testing and Debugging Skills Was out with a friend once and he to me that A CTO asked for his GitHub. The first comment was:_"I don't see any automated tests for your projects". _ That alone was a dealbreaker.

Don't just build shiny stuff, test your apps.
Questions related to testing principles, writing test cases, and debugging code will be asked.
If you cannot test basic apps properly, don't apply.
Give yourself 2 weeks and learn to test.

  1. *Master everything about Git and version control * The foundation of a multiteam collaboration is version control.

Together with the other developers in your team, you will be building simultaneously.

Study version control as much as you can. All the essentials can be covered in a week.

  1. Learning and adaptability "It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change" - Charles Darwin

They will ask you questions about your interest in learning new technologies, your background in self-directed learning, and your aptitude for picking up new abilities quickly.

They will discover a letter candidate who can persuade them if you don't succeed here.

Make it seem optimistic since, as a junior, they are investing in your future rather than what you can currently do right now.

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