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Krishna Bhamare
Krishna Bhamare

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Flask vs. Django: what's the difference?🤔

The Flask and the Django frameworks are both Python web frameworks. The purpose of these tools is to simplify low-level tasks such as handling requests, responses, and server-side logic so that developers can concentrate on building the app itself.

Between the two frameworks, there are some key differences:

  • Flask is a microframework, meaning it is a lightweight framework that provides only the essential components, leaving developers to add their own libraries and tools as needed. This makes Flask a good choice for small projects or for developers who want more control over the components of their app.

  • Django is a full-stack framework, meaning it provides all the necessary components for a complete web application out of the box. This makes Django a good choice for larger projects or for developers who want a more opinionated framework.

  • Flask is more flexible and easier to learn, making it a good choice for beginners or for developers who want to build an app quickly. Django is more feature-heavy and can be more complex, making it a better choice for more experienced developers or for projects that require a lot of features.

Overall, the choice between Flask and Django will depend on the specific needs of your project and your own preferences as a developer.

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