DEV Community

Kaya Thomas
Kaya Thomas

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Nevertheless, Kaya Thomas Coded

I began coding because...

I was fascinated by the idea that I could possibly build software similar to the software I had been using on a daily basis. I always loved technology, but I never knew how it was created. Once I realized I could be a creator of technology I was hooked.

I'm currently hacking on...

My iOS app, We Read Too. We Read Too is a book resource application that showcases fiction titles written by authors of color featuring characters of color. I am currently working on new features to make the user experience better. I want users to be able find titles easier and connect the titles from We Read Too to other book apps they already use.

I'm excited about...

My first full-time job! I'll be joining Slack's iOS team in July. I look forward to growing as a developer and learning from the amazing folks who work at Slack.

My advice for other women who code is...

You deserve to be rightly compensated for all the work you do. Don't let anyone tell you should develop for free for "exposure". Get paid for your work and negotiate so you can ensure you're being paid fairly.

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