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Learning GO. Step 1

Hi, my name is Olesia. I work as QA engineer in e-commerce.
2 months ago I faced a new challenge - my new job required me to learn Golang.
My coding experience is limited to a little bit of Java and UI autotests using JUnit and Selenium. But now I need to learn how to write backend tests in Go, how to build and deploy services and tests using Bamboo and Kubernetes.

I will be using different resources:

  1. Getting Started with Go by Coursera - free version without homework, tests or any certification.
  2. Learn Go with Tests - great resource suggested by my colleague. Learning process there based on TDD principle. As a QA engineer I am very interested in this way of learning.
  3. Go by example - step by step guide from Google.

So, welcome to my journey :)

Top comments (2)

chandrajobs profile image

Good list to learn Go.

Good luck to you

laidah profile image

Thank you!