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The 5 Problem-Solving Skills of Great Software Developers

Lorenzo Pasqualis on November 13, 2017

This post was first published on CoderHood as The 5 Problem-Solving Skills of Great Software Developers. CoderHood is a blog dedicated to the human...
rafalpienkowski profile image
Rafal Pienkowski

Just awesome!
I agree with that that those 5 skill are necessary for software developers. You took very nice real life scenario which is very descriptive and easy to understand.
I think that your article should be a compulsory reading in high school in terms of first two skills. I could help students to understand why is so important to learn about flowchart, understand and play with it.
In my opinion last three skills (especially 4th) should be a mantra for more experienced developers. They often forget about reusing existing solutions and are reinventing wheel again.
I take off my hat to you! Great job. I'm sure that I'll use your article in the future.

lpasqualis profile image
Lorenzo Pasqualis

Thank you, Rafal! Your comment made my day!

emcain profile image
Emily Cain

Great article! I am sharing it with the code school students I work with, I think it will be helpful to them.

I wrote an article approaching the issue of software problem-solving from a different angle--I think yours is much more detailed when it comes to breaking down large, complex problems.

lpasqualis profile image
Lorenzo Pasqualis

Excellent, thank you! Let me know if it was helpful, and if you have any suggestions/feedback from the students.

hachi8833 profile image

I'd like to translate the article into Japanese and publish on our tech blog if you're OK.

I make sure to indicate the link to original, title, author name in the case.

Best regards,

lpasqualis profile image
Lorenzo Pasqualis

Thank you for your interest in translating this article into Japanese for cross-posting.

My requirements for cross-posting are highlighted here: CoderHood Cross Posting Policy

I am ok with you cross-posting on as long as all the requirements indicated in my policy are met.

Please let me know.

Thank you.

hachi8833 profile image

Thank you for the reply!
I'll look into your Cross Posting Policy.

helloanavee profile image
Ana Vasquez

I didn't think making coffee would be so complicated. I hope you can explain more of what you mean by the right times to abstract. Sometimes, I have a tendency to abstract things, and it sometimes don't fit with my new problem..

lpasqualis profile image
Lorenzo Pasqualis

Ana, thank you for your note. I am writing an article about models and abstractions right now. Stay tuned!!!

helloanavee profile image
Ana Vasquez

Thank you! I'm looking forward to reading it. :)

Thread Thread
lpasqualis profile image
Lorenzo Pasqualis

I just published it :) Hope you like it, and looking forward your feedback.

miniharryc profile image
Harold Combs

First: Great Article!

Second: Could we please, please tattoo #4 on every programmer?

Seriously, we've gone through an explosion of programming art in the past 50 years. However, how much work do we waste writing and re-writing the same things over again?

I've noticed other engineering disciplines take a much stronger approach to understanding prior art and the state of the art when solving problems.

lpasqualis profile image
Lorenzo Pasqualis

Indeed. The temptation is for people to re-do the work. The focus should be on doing work that is at the core of the business. The vast majority of problems that developers solve AROUND the core business have been resolved before, and time should not be wasted on those.

andrewdtanner profile image
Andrew Tanner 🇪🇺

Super post! I've been a pro front-end developer for almost three years and around 18 months in I started to realise that my job is to solve problems, not necessarily to write code. It's a fantastic way to look at things and helps tremendously with abstraction.

I can sometimes be guilty of over abstraction so it's reassuring to read that it's ok to just minimise the abstraction to satisfy likely outcomes.

dataecstasy profile image
Vishal Sinha

Amazed to see that "extreme reading and comprehending ability" is not mentioned at all, which I suppose should be the top most skill for a software developer/programmar/coder.

lpasqualis profile image
Lorenzo Pasqualis • Edited

The article is about problem solving skills, not skills in general. Regardless, thank you for your note.

dataecstasy profile image
Vishal Sinha

In the article headline, It was mentioned Skills. Apologies, maybe I got confused.

simplymichael profile image
Michael Orji

One of the best articles on software engineering I ever read. Excellent article, with useful, real life scenarios.

lpasqualis profile image
Lorenzo Pasqualis

That is music to my ears. Thank you so much!!

stefannibrasil profile image
Stefanni Brasil

Great one! Me being a beginner, I like to read a lot how to become a better developer. Thanks, it was a pleasure reading!

vivekkodira profile image
Vivek Kodira • Edited

Thoroughly enjoyed reading this one. Thank you @lpasqualis . First time in a long time that I had several "Aha!" moments reading an article. Learnt several things.

lpasqualis profile image
Lorenzo Pasqualis

Wonderful, thank you for your note.

ethansankin profile image
Eytan Sankin

Great article. Pretty much sums up the lessons learned from my first junior position. I couldn't have put it better myself.

lpasqualis profile image
Lorenzo Pasqualis

Awesome, thank you Ethan!!

matheusvieira profile image
Matheus Costa Vieira

Congrats man! Really good. It takes years to fullfiled all those points. But, when we look back, we get proud of ourselfs. I still can't be away from coding. Can I use that with my students?

lpasqualis profile image
Lorenzo Pasqualis

Thank you, Matheus. Yes, absolutely, I’d be honored if you used it with your students.

gregorgonzalez profile image
Gregor Gonzalez

And that's why I love diagrams. Thank you for this article, so many times we use this cycle but I totally forget about it. I agree with you and you make it really easy to understand.

lpasqualis profile image
Lorenzo Pasqualis

Thank you, Gregor!!

iqlaas profile image
Kamal Iqlaas

You make serving coffee looks complex, sounds complex, but some how in the end, its easy, its fun, and a lot of thinking! Hats off!

Salute from Malaysia.

lpasqualis profile image
Lorenzo Pasqualis

Thank you so much for your note, Jamal!! Made my day.

tommydx profile image
Tom Docu

Thank you. Well thought and organized.

mariordev profile image

Great article! Really enjoyed it.

lpasqualis profile image
Lorenzo Pasqualis

Awesome, thank you!

meltoteng profile image
Mel Toteng

Great article. I have been looking for something like this. Thanks a lot.

lpasqualis profile image
Lorenzo Pasqualis

Thank you, Mel. I really appreciate your note.

thanhdongnguyen profile image

Thank you . Great Article.

lpasqualis profile image
Lorenzo Pasqualis

You are so welcome!! Thank you for reading!!

vamsc0801 profile image

It s greater awesome need to very software developer

lpasqualis profile image
Lorenzo Pasqualis

Thank you, very glad it is helpful.

tecnomage profile image
vini braga

great post, gave me a lot of good ideas.

mmanreza profile image
Michael Manreza

Thank you for the great article. I'll surely follow the steps above and adjust my workflow.

Thank you so much!

lpasqualis profile image
Lorenzo Pasqualis

You are so welcome, Michael. Thank you for reading and for writing a note. It makes all the difference.

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

Nice article Lorenzo Pasqualis, just made a follower out of me!

lpasqualis profile image
Lorenzo Pasqualis

Thank you!! Very glad you liked it.

joshichinmay profile image
Chinmay Joshi

This is the best article I've ever read till now. The process and the examples you gave were simply amazing. WOW!

lpasqualis profile image
Lorenzo Pasqualis

Thank you, Chinmay! I really appreciate your comment!!

sithembelek profile image


joehamby profile image
Joe Hamby

It's Colombian not Columbian.

lpasqualis profile image
Lorenzo Pasqualis

Thank you! Fixed!

lpasqualis profile image
Lorenzo Pasqualis

Thank you, Grant. Yes, over-abstraction is the only thing that is worse than under-abstraction :)

thenischaygowda profile image
Nischay Gowda

very informative. This is the best article I have read till now about the must have Non-technical skill for any Developer.