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Maniple Kwizera
Maniple Kwizera

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Task force 5.0 week 1 Experience

first of all, it was a very interesting, enjoyable, and educational moment during this first week as a Taskforce
on day one was really amazing where we had to move an egg at the first time we didn't make it but we made it after it was really fun, this helped me to find a solution in a very short time and deliver the answer in a teamwork way.
the day after we started studying ourselves through 16personalities where it was like seeing myself through my strength and weakness and even people we have the same type ( protagonist ) like Obama and others and also it was a very challenging day with Codewars katas as its name say sure its war through code where we got four questions to solve and very challenging but honestly was a very good way to think and even way of opening my mind we ended up seeing about an agile methodology
Day three was entering in a new world where we sow agile methodology and its's framework scrum me I had the experience of using waterfall methodology but I sow that in agile methodology is the best way to communicate with the client and to make changes and after we try to know how to do well remotely call, we sow tips to make a good remote call
on our day four we get our session remotely seeing about our 16peronalities where we presented remotely and even we get to prepare our first Friday presentation about an agile methodology

our Friday was the joyful and happiest day as we did our first presentation it was a very good experience and educational through our team and after we enjoyed having fun playing games and even celebrating out teammate birthday but was really amazing.
all in all, eek one was very educational and motivational and of course lenses in teams best way to pass all challenges.

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