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Marie Weaver
Marie Weaver

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Top WordPress Plugins for your Business Website

WordPress is the most popular platform to launch your website. Many business websites are empowered by this popular platform. Reliable, open-source, and affordable, WordPress offers extensive features as well as security attributes.

This open source platform offers an active community with developers from across the world enhancing it, taking it to the next level. It offers new ways to attract users and turn to the most reliable platform.

This platform offers 55,000 WordPress plugins, making WordPress development services easier for developers. Being the most popular platform, developers need to test various freemium and premium plugins of WordPress. Whether it is Retail IT solutions or healthcare IT solutions, WordPress helps each and every industry.

In this Post, we provide a list of the most popular WordPress plugins that make easier to run your website in various aspects.

Essential Plugins that you should know for the WordPress

1. MonsterInsights

MonsterInsights is Google Analytics Plugin for WordPress, allowing you to know about site visitors right inside your WordPress dashboard. With this tool, get information about geographic location of visitors, interest area, device used to access site, age, gender, and a whole lot more.

Users can preview the real-time analytics from the dashboard also. It is based on the free version, but also offers premium versions with advanced features such as SEO Score Tracking, Category / Tags Tracking, Google Optimization and more.

2. Sucuri

Sucuri is the most popular plugin for all online business owners. It helps to secure the platform from various virus attacks and is considered among one of the most secure platforms. It is a perfect replacement for firewall if your device doesn’t have a firewall then integrate this Wordpress plugin now. Sucuri Wordpress plugin helps you to secure your website from all types of viruses and attacks, including brute force attacks, DDoS, malware threats, and XSS attacks.

For advanced security features or for a large group of businesses, Sucuri also offers various effective and affordable based plans.

3. Updraft Plus

Updraft Plus plugin helps business websites to automatic set up for the backup and store the data on various integrated remote locations such as Dropbox, S3, FTP, Google Drive, and Email.

This plugin is free and for the advanced online features, they have to opt for the premium versions. Premium version offer users back up on Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, SFTP, SCP, Microsoft OneDrive, and WebDAV. With Updraft Plus premium and freemium version, users can automatically store data easily without any hassle.

  • Reliable backup plugin
  • Create Manual Back up
  • Database encryption
  • Supports WP-CLI
  • Offers 24*7 Support

With Updraft Plus plugin, it is easier, faster and safer to store data and users can restore data with only one single click.


Wordpress development is in high demand but after development also users can enhance their work and raise their productivity. These plugins help users to sort out many challenges and even help to save both time and money. Wordpress plugins offer all kinds of customization and provide service the same. Hence, it is a shortcut to visit on the desired platform.

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