DEV Community

Marek Zarzycki
Marek Zarzycki

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The importance of your first app

So you are looking for a junior frontend developer position, right? Are you sure you know what you need to be successful?

Many times when you start to learn a new skill you need to be familiar with the basics of a theoretical part before you move to the practical one. Learning to code is not different and you probably have heard many times that one can learn to code only by coding. It’s true because only this way you can learn the most important skill you need as a developer which is the ability to create.

You may wonder why it is the most important skill. It is because as a software developer you will be responsible for the creation and it doesn’t matter if you remember all the theoretical parts or not. If you know what you need and where to find it you already have everything to start working and gaining experience. It’s the ability to join all different pieces of code together and create an app that can make you successful.

I can tell you from my experience that it is good to start with some simple apps that you can make by following Youtube tutorials. This way you will get familiar with a structure of an app and the logic used to create it. Choose different kinds of apps to have a wider perspective and learn how to use different parts of the theory, ex. DOM operations, API, operations on arrays, etc.

After you get comfortable with that comes the next step. Create your app. Think of something you would like to use and what features you would expect to have there as a user. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t know how to do something or the way you wanted to do it doesn’t work. This is where you learn the most important ability I have mentioned in the beginning.

The first app I’ve ever created was a simple game written in HTML, CSS and pure JavaScript and the main logic that it used were DOM operations like hiding and showing divs.

It made me very proud because I made it all by myself and as a result I got more courage and motivation to learn and to look for my first Frontend Developer job.
I am convinced that it can be the same for all of you that are at the beginning of the coding journey and if you think you need some extra motivation or don’t know how to improve your skills remember the importance of your first app.

#junior #beginners #motivation #impostersyndrome #career #mindset

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