DEV Community

Mike Lezhnin
Mike Lezhnin

Posted on

Best webpage design IMHO

I just want to share this glorious website I found on the internet: It looks like all pages are written in markdown, and then rendered using some markdown rules + some coloring.

If I ever end up making my own website, I'll for sure steal the design from that website.

Maybe with a little effort I could even implement a back-end where one would write the pages using markdown, and then those would be turned into html and styled - using something like pygmentize - and then served 🤔

P.S. I already contacted the owner of that website to find out if there is some open-source template for it, but sadly he told me the source code stays private.

Top comments (1)

samguay profile image
Samuel Guay

I like the colors! I knew I had seen this design somewhere. I am a big fan of HUGO so I've browsed the freely available templates many times. Found it, quickly here:

If you are not aware how Hugo works, it is a static site generator in which all the content you produce is in markdown, but all the CSS and HTML templates are defined somewhere. The fun part is you can overwrite the theme with you own settings.

I am very far from being a web dev (yet), but I've managed to build a couple of websites easily and host them through GitHub/GitLab/Netlify for free.