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Mike Young
Mike Young

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A complete beginner's guide to using the Real-Esrgan model on Replicate

This is a simplified guide to an AI model called Real-Esrgan. If you like these kinds of guides, you should subscribe to the newsletter or follow me on Twitter.

Model overview

real-esrgan is a practical image restoration model developed by researchers at the Tencent ARC Lab and Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology. It aims to tackle real-world blind super-resolution, going beyond simply enhancing image quality. Compared to similar models like absolutereality-v1.8.1, instant-id, clarity-upscaler, and reliberate-v3, real-esrgan is specifically focused on restoring real-world images and videos, including those with face regions.

Model inputs and outputs

real-esrgan takes an input image and outputs an upscaled and enhanced version of that image. The model can handle a variety of input types, including regular images, images with alpha channels, and even grayscale images. The output is a high-quality, visually appealing image that retains important details and features.


  • Image: The input image to be upscaled and enhanced.
  • Scale: The desired scale factor for upscaling the input image, typically between 2x and 4x.
  • Face Enhance: An optional flag to enable face enhancement using the GFPGAN model.


  • Output Image: The restored and upscaled version of the input image.


real-esrgan is capable of performing high-quality image upscaling and restoration, even on challenging real-world images. It can handle a variety of input types and produces visually appealing results that maintain important details and features. The model can also be used to enhance facial regions in images, thanks to its integration with the GFPGAN model.

What can I use it for?

real-esrgan can be useful for a variety of applications, such as:

  • Photo Restoration: Upscale and enhance low-quality or blurry photos to create high-resolution, visually appealing images.
  • Video Enhancement: Apply real-esrgan to individual frames of a video to improve the overall visual quality and clarity.
  • Anime and Manga Upscaling: The RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B model is specifically optimized for anime and manga images, producing excellent results.

Things to try

Some interesting things to try with real-esrgan include:

  • Experiment with different scale factors to find the optimal balance between quality and performance.
  • Combine real-esrgan with other image processing techniques, such as denoising or color correction, to achieve even better results.
  • Explore the model's capabilities on a wide range of input images, from natural photographs to detailed illustrations and paintings.
  • Try the RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B model for enhancing anime and manga-style images, and compare the results to other upscaling solutions.

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