DEV Community

Mingming Ma
Mingming Ma

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October Recap - My Contributions and Learnings

This October is a month filled with exciting contributions to various open-source projects. In this recap blog post, I will summarize my achievements, progress, and the valuable lessons I learned during this month.

  1. Contribution to ant-design: PR1 Ant Design is a popular design system and React UI component library. In my first contribution, I addressed an issue related to the CheckableTag component, which triggered deprecated warnings in Strict Mode when used with the Popover component. I successfully fixed the issue by updating the CheckableTag code to support refs using React.forwardRef. This contribution highlighted the importance of past learning, as I had previously learned about React.forwardRef, and it came in handy. It was a reminder that continuous learning and building one's knowledge base is the key to overcoming real-world challenges. ChatGPT also provided insights and guidance in my journey.
  2. Contribution to ant-design: PR2 In my second contribution to Ant Design, I tackled an issue with the Affix component. Users reported that the component was not working as expected after some changes. I delved into the source code and discovered the reason, which required a small code adjustment to fix. Patience and methodical debugging were key to resolving this issue, and I learned that sometimes a clumsy approach can lead to mastering new skills.
  3. Contribution to firefox-ios Firefox for iOS is a popular web browser, and I had the opportunity to contribute to it. I worked on a refactoring request that involved replacing a previous button with the PrimaryRoundedButton. The process included preparing my working environment, learning from a reference pull request, resolving conflicts during the rebase. This experience taught me a lot about the Git workflow and the importance of communication within the open-source community.
  4. Contribution to is an awesome open-source web companion for coding with Large Language Models. I contributed by addressing a feature request related to iframe resizing in Chatcraft's preview iframes. I studied a proposed solution using iframe-resizer-react and optimized the code from the feedback. This experience also reinforced the idea of the tremendous benefits of open-source collaboration and knowledge sharing, which have already proven invaluable in my new project inspired by ChatCraft.

October was a month of growth and learning as I contributed to various open-source projects. These experiences reinforced the importance of past learning, patience, methodical debugging, and collaboration within the open-source community. I'm excited to continue my journey and make more contributions in the future. Stay curious and stay inspired!

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