DEV Community

Maxim Nosov βœͺ
Maxim Nosov βœͺ

Posted on

Open source development - Release 0.1

General review

I found the partner very quickly, I enjoyed collaborating with him.

It turns out that writing SSG in python is not that complicated.
The code that I was reading is very clear and concise, even if you are not very good at this language.

The thing I noticed is that some things may be obvious for the author, but not enough straightforward for the user. So, during testing I ran on the issue that I'm not sure how exactly I should run the tool. I would love to see some examples to make things clear.

Regarding bugs in my tool:

I was really surprised by the amount of bugs that were revealed on other side. Sometimes things just work perfectly locally on your computer, but once somebody else starts playing with your tool, you might be surprised that it will crush.

I have an issue with the location of the script. When person clones the project, and then runs it, the tool gives weird error, saying that he can't find the location of the specified txt file.
( )

For now, I'm still working on fixing this issue.

Issue that I found:

1) The issue that I found is that I'm unable to convert file from txt to html that is not in the dist folder. So in order for tool to work I need to create dist folder.(

Final thoughts

Personally, I enjoyed the process of testing and reviewing, communicating with other people and trying to make the software to work as perfect as possible.

Also, it's very important to deliver your issues as detailed as possible, provide certain steps that lead to error. This would really help the author to understand what you mean and resolve the issue quickly!

For SSG tool, unfortunately, I didn't make it work perfect at all, but for the next open source projects I will work harder to achieve the best results!

Overall, it's a great experience to get ! We need to connect to with the people from the same field more and exchange the knowledge :)

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