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Sahar Barak
Sahar Barak

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Just a humble beginning

On a rain-drenched evening, with the steady patter serving as a backdrop to my thoughts, I find myself nestled on the porch of a local gem—part pub, part hub, all heart, surrounded by the verdant embrace of a greenhouse and warming candle light. With almond tea warming my hands and a joint between my fingers, there’s a peculiar serenity in the air, punctuated by occasional glances from a pretty blond a few tables over. Our eyes meet, but I let the moment pass; my heart is elsewhere, and lately, it’s been heavy.
My country’s turmoil weighs on me, casting shadows on daily joys. Friends linger in uncertainty in Gaza’s tunnels, leaving an ache that’s hard to shake off. Amidst this, here I am, Sahar, named after the moon’s third phase, wrestling with the colossal task of trying to save the world.

Before I get too carried away with grandiose dreams, let me circle back and introduce myself properly. Sahar, 26, a software engineer turned dreamer and doer, on a mission to decentralize our basic needs—energy, food, connection—and localize them to nurture sustainable, resilient communities.

Nine months ago, I left my lucrative fintech job, at a unicorn called Sunbit, setting my sights on this dream indefinitely.

Home is Kiryat Tivon, a small town steeped in biblical history, nestled in the Jezreel Valley on the sub northern part of Israel, a stone’s throw from Nazareth and Beit Lehem and surrounded by archaeological marvels. These ancient narratives deeply influence me, even as I navigate the complexities of advocating for peace in a region often defined by its conflicts. I’m a pacifist at heart, got my discharge from reserve just a few months before the war began, a stance that’s only solidified in recent times.

As the evening unfolds, the conversation at the next table turns to geopolitical speculations, three nice fella’s sit around discussing the probability of Iran attacking Israel without proxies, potential conflicts, strategies for survival,
how casual, Yet, amid these distractions, my focus remains unwavering: “The path to saving the world lies in balancing decentralization with centralization.”

Diving into the Kybalion’s wisdom, I’m reminded of the duality in all things, the balance between opposites, the need for harmony. This ancient knowledge is a beacon as I refine Cherry, embedding these principles into technology, striving for a balance that feels almost paradoxical. The more I align with my true nature, the closer Cherry comes to embodying the natural, neutral essence I envision.
"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."

This platform will be my canvas, raw and unfiltered, a space for creativity, personal reflection, and unadulterated truth. While Medium and its monetization paths may be closed to me, I turn to Patreon, Twitch, Instagram, open-source collaboration, and a professional LinkedIn presence to connect, create, and sustain this journey.
Here, I vow to be genuine, letting creativity and honesty guide my narrative. It’s not about fame, fortune, or feeding the ego; it’s about birthing Cherry into existence, sharing every step of this venture, from tech breakthroughs to personal breakthroughs, from the highs of innovation to the lows of existential dread.

In the backdrop of personal musings, a couple lost in a romantic embrace reminds me of tenderness, while Boaz, the mistakenly named feline friend, nudges me towards gentleness in tumultuous times.
So, as I embark on this journey with you, my unseen audience, and with myself, I promise a tale of resilience, innovation, and the quest for a better world. Through this blog, I aim to clear the fog, share my soul, and maybe, just maybe, show how aligning our deepest purposes with our manifestations can illuminate the path forward.
Here's to the adventure ahead, to Cherry, and to discovering how far we can go when we dare to dream big and act with intention. Let’s dive into this narrative together, shall we?


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