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Simultaneous Promises with async/await

I recently got me a membership of (this is a referral code) to learn more about web development and all those new technologies. I watched a quick course about async / await and did some notes. These are the ones about sending parallel promises and awaiting them afterwards.

Sending multiple promises at the same time

async displayDevicesAndUsers() => {

    // Since both promises are stored in variables,
    // they are fetched in parallel from the api
    const devicesPromise = fetchApi("devices"); 
    const usersPromise = fetchApi("users");

    // The results can then be extracted with await
    const devices = await devicesPromise;   
    const user = await userPromise; 


There is also an easier method. You can use Promise.all. This will create one promise, that will reserve when all promises in itโ€™s array resolved. The promise will be rejected when one of the promises inside fails. I will use the previous example and refactor it with Promise.all

async displayDevicesAndUsers() => {

    // 1st option to retrieve results
    const results = Promise.all([
    const devices = results[0];
    const users = results[1];

    // 2nd option, which is a little shorter
    // and uses ES2015 array destructuring 
    const [devices, users] = Promise.all([

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