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Noman Jahangir
Noman Jahangir

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How to promote your Ecommerce store online ?

Ecommerce has taken the internet with a huge sensation. Billions of dollars business is being done via Ecommerce. People love to buy on internet where they have plenty of choices with just simple taps or clicks.

With a lot of new business come into Ecommerce competition has increased to great extent. Newbies have to work more hard on marketing efforts and to choose right Ecommerce platform to start a Ecommerce website.

The first step is to choose the right Ecommerce platform where you will setup your upcoming website. There are many CMS for Ecommerce such as wocommerce by WordPress , Bigcommerce , Shopify, wix , squarespace. You can also develop your own custom Ecommerce store as well. All these platforms have their pros and cons . People often ask about the comparison of Shopify vs wix vs squarespace as they are growing Ecommerce platforms. People with no coding knowledge often prefers these user friendly platforms.

After creation of your Ecommerce store app , the most important thing is to promote your store online . Some of the most famous ways are :

*Social Media Marketing

It is one of the most effective method to promote your Ecommerce store in order to get more sales. It also helps a lot in brand reputation.

Pay per Click Ads ( PPC ) .

You can also run PPC ads such as Google Ads . Google Ads offers multiple ads options to run ads and generate sales. It has shopping ads type as well which is very effective in generating Ecommerce sales.


It is one of the most important but difficult strategy with long lasting benefits. SEO brings high quality organic traffic in your website . It takes some time but if done correctly it would bring tons of leads and sales .


I recommend you to promote as much you can your Ecommerce store. Marketing is key for successful business. Try to mix these 3 strategies together in order to achieve optimum results.

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