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Olalekan Oladiran
Olalekan Oladiran

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How to create a virtual machine using Azure portal

What is Azure Virtual Machine?

It is an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offering from Microsoft Azure, a leading cloud computing platform, includes Azure Virtual Machines (VMs), which are scalable and flexible computing resources that offer a way to run virtualized instances of various operating systems in the cloud. These virtual machines resemble physical computers but exist in a virtualized environment on Azure's data centers.

Steps in Creating Virtual Machine Using Azure Portal

Sign in to the Azure Portal:

  • Open a web browser and go to
  • Sign in with your Azure account credentials. Create a New Virtual Machine:

Once you're logged in, click on the "+ Create a resource" button on the left sidebar.
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Search for Virtual Machine:
In the search bar, type "Virtual Machine" and press Enter.

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Select Virtual Machine from the Results:
Click on the "Virtual Machine" option that appears in the search results and select create.

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Basic Settings:

You will now see a series of configuration steps. Start with the "Basics" tab.

Fill out the following information:

Subscription: Select your Azure subscription.

Resource Group: Create a new resource group or use an existing one.

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Virtual Machine Name: Provide a unique name for your VM.

Region: Choose the Azure region where you want to deploy the VM.

Image: Choose an operating system image (e.g., Windows, Linux).

Size: Select the VM size based on your needs. You can click "See all" for more options.

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Administrator Account:

Provide the username and password.
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Inbound Port Rules:

Configure the public inbound ports. You can use the default rules or create custom rules based on your requirements.
Select HTTP(80) in order to test the virtual machine over browser
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Disks Configuration:

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Choose the OS disk type (e.g., Standard HDD, Standard SSD, Premium SSD) and set the size for the OS disk. You can also add data disks if needed.

Networking Configuration:

Configure the virtual network, subnet, and other network settings.

You can also set up a public IP address here if necessary.

Management Configuration:

Configure options like boot diagnostics, auto-shutdown, update management, and backup.

Review + Create:
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Wait for validation to get passed
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Click create
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Wait for it to deploy
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Once deployment is complete
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Select go to resource
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This will take you to the overview page
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