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I want to work with an excellent partner or team.

Web and App developer with interest in Chat GPT

I am a skilled full-stack developer with 7+ years of experience in Web and software engineering with interest in Chat GPT and a focus on Javascript and its major libraries and frameworks.
I have been working in full-stack web development along with maintaining a passion for quality programming.
I specialize in React, TypeScript, Vue, Next, PHP, Laravel and React Native. I have proven experience with Laravel and MERN stack.
I have vast experience working with startups, developing applications from scratch, and working in small teams on remote work.
I am committed to open source and fond of cutting-edge development.
My ultimate aim is to deliver perfect final results for project requirements while never missing deadlines and always maintaining high code quality.
With excellent problem-solving skills and a focus on meeting deadlines, I'm dedicated to delivering exceptional results.
I highly value quality over quantity and I put big effort to create a truly qualified product.
I adhere to coding standards and industry best practices for maintainable and efficient code.
I enjoy working remote and I am aware of the importance of good communication.
I am looking for an entry-level software engineer position at a company where I can contribute my skills and grow my career.

Good Thanks.

Top comments (2)

idodav profile image
Ido David

Hi I know it's not a job offer.
But I'd like to interest you in an open source project I'm maintaining.
The project uses your tech stack. And as a fullstack developer it might interest you!
We have very strong developers on our team.

I want to introduce AI and ChatGPT for this project and could use your expertise.

Check this out at:

passion117 profile image

Thanks for your reply.
I am very interested in your team.
I want to work with an excellent team.
I will dedicate and devote in your project.