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Luke for Quasar

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Quasar's QTable: The ULTIMATE Component (5/6) - Styling EVERYTHING!!!

Welcome back my fine devy friend!

When I started on this post, I had no idea what I was in for...

My girlfriend is in the other room, watching a Korean drama, drinking soju (and I LOVE soju).

"1 and a half hours" I told her. When will I learn! Quasar's QTable is relentlessly useful, and to show you all of it's inner powers takes time!


You'll love this one!


Becuase styling q-table is easy! All it takes is a sprinkle of props here and there.

Having said that, there are two ways to style q-table:

  1. props
  2. slots

I recommend using props where possible (and they're what we'll cover in this post), since they're easier to write, and eaiser to read.

Have You STILL Not Checkerty Checked Out QuasarComponents.Com?

If you've come this far into the series and still haven't been to QuasarComponents.Com, then what the HEY???

Head. There. Now.

I have something really cool to show you!


Ok, let's get started...


Here's le github repo ("le github repo" is French for "I don't speak French")

Now SLAM this into your editor!

Let's do that thing again where I dive into the code and meet you in there 🀿

import { ref } from 'vue'
// 🀿 Quasar has some rad color utilities!
// We'll use "getPaletteColor" in one of the examples.
import { colors } from 'quasar'
const { getPaletteColor } = colors

// 🀿 did saying "rad" up my street cred? I hope so.

export default {
  setup () {
    // three guesses at what we'll use this for...
    const fullscreen = ref(false)

    const rows = [
        id: 1,
        name: 'Panda',
        email: '',
        age: 6
        id: 2,
        name: 'Lily',
        email: '',
        age: 5
        id: 3,
        name: 'Moe',
        email: '',
        age: 7
        id: 4,
        name: 'Avo Cado',
        email: '',
        age: 3
        id: 5,
        name: 'Oscar',
        email: '',
        age: 14

    // 🀿 Oh look, a fish! 🐠

    const columns = [
      { label: 'name', field: 'name', name: 'name', align: 'left' },
      { label: 'email', field: 'email', name: 'email', align: 'left' },
      { label: 'age', field: 'age', name: 'age', align: 'center' }

    return {
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

emerges from code 🀿

Did that all make sense?

Sweet! Let's start making some sexy tables...

color, dense, dark and flat

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Quasar Vue QTable Color, Dense, Dark and Flat

You know what a lot of people don't like about material design? The shadows.

Well guess what... Quasar makes it EASY to remove the shadow from all of its components with either flat or unelevated. As you can see in the above example, QTable ain't no exception πŸ™ƒ

color changes the loading bar color, and the selected item in pagination and...

dense tightens things up. Great for when you have a large amount of data to show!

bordered, flat, square (Cleancut)

I call this the "Cleancut" design. It makes the table look slick and professional:

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Quasar Vue QTable Bordered, Flat, Square (Cleancut)

See what I mean? It's like the "James Bond" of table design 😎

try removing the border. You'll notice that the table stands completely on its own without a border in this example!

Quasar Vue QTable No Border Or Shadow

Specific Classes and Styles

These little helper props are awesome! Usually, they're all you'll need for designing your table:

  title="Blue Chihuahua's"
  title-class="text-bold text-blue-9"
  table-class="bg-blue-9 text-white"
  table-style="border: 3px solid black;"
  table-header-style="height: 65px;"
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Quasar Vue QTable Targeting Specific Classes And Styles

Notice we can target the

  • Title
  • Header
  • Body

Nice! 😊

Specific Column Classes and Styles

Now THIS is something I use all the time. The columns object itself can be tapped into so we can change the styling of columns.

Razvan (creator of Quasar) must have been in some sort of next level zen state when he was designing this work of art!


export default {
  setup () {
    // Add this in
    const columnsStyled = [
        label: 'name',
        field: 'name',
        name: 'name',
        align: 'left',
        classes: 'bg-pink-1 text-bold',
        style: {
          fontSize: '1.2em',
          borderLeft: `6px solid ${getPaletteColor('pink-4')}`
        headerClasses: 'bg-grey-1',
        headerStyle: {
          fontSize: '1.2em'
        label: 'email',
        field: 'email',
        name: 'email',
        align: 'left',
        headerClasses: 'bg-grey-3',
        classes: 'bg-pink-2'
        label: 'age',
        field: 'age',
        name: 'age',
        align: 'center',
        headerClasses: 'bg-grey-1',
        classes: 'bg-pink-1'

    return {
      // And this

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Quasar Vue QTable Targeting Specific Classes And Styles On Column Objects

How. Cool. Is. THAT!

To summarise, the column options we're using here are:

  • classes
  • style
  • headerClasses
  • headerStyle

Sure, the example looks a little messed up... But you're not here to get a degree as an artist 🎨 (nor are you likely to get one from me).


Dealing with pagination and slots can get pretty complicated... Luckily, it's likely we can solve our pagination styling problems with these handy dandy props!

  :rows-per-page-options="[2, 0]"
  :pagination-label="(firstRowIndex, endRowIndex, totalRowsNumber) => {
    return `page ${endRowIndex}/${totalRowsNumber}`
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Quasar Vue QTable Styling Pagination

The cool one to note here, is pagination-label

With pagination-label, we can even change the way we display the "status" of our current pagination with a simple function!

Hiding Header Row and Bottom (Pure Table)

Sometimes you just want a plain ol table. No heading, no footer, no pagination... Just a "basic as can be" table.

This is how we can do it with QTable:

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Quasar Vue QTable Hiding The Header And Bottom (Pure Table)

That's all I have to say on that 🀷

Hiding Pagination (may auto remove bottom)

Often, we don't even need pagination. Let's just hide it:

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Quasar Vue QTable Hiding Pagination

hiding pagination does not remove pagination functionality. In other words, you might only see 5/10 rows of data, and have no way of viewing the rest of it (since pagination controls are hidden)!

That's why we added :rows-per-page-options="[0]" in the above example.

You may remember from the post on pagination, 0 means all. So essentially, that code is ensuring that we show ALL rows since the pagination is hidden.

Also, if there is nothing else to show in the bottom row, no bottom row will show at all (like in the example)

Hiding no-data

I can't think of a good reason to do this, but of course, Quasar makes it possible to hide the default "no data" message...

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Quasar Vue QTable Hiding No Data Message

Nothin but header now!

Visible Columns

Maybe I should have put this furthur up the list since it's So HANDY!

We can easily hide columns with the visible-columns prop:

  :visible-columns="['name', 'age']"
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Quasar Vue QTable Hiding And Showing Columns

Note that the strings in the visible-columns array, need to be the same as the name prop on the corresponding columns object.

Erg, that was a mouthful... Might need to read it a few times!

In some of my apps, we use a q-menu on the top row, and allow people to toggle columns on and off using a menu! This is easy to do with visible-columns! Maybe that could be another blog post πŸ€”


"WHAT!!?? Quasar's QTable supports FULL SCREEN!!??"

Yes. It does πŸ˜‰

  <template #top-right>
      @click="fullscreen = !fullscreen"
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Quasar Vue QTable Fullscreen Mode

In this example, we added a button on the #top-right that toggles fullscreen on and off. Piece of cake 🍰

separator and wrap-cells

By default, every QTable row is divided with a horizontal line. Of course, we can change this to either a vertical line, or a full cell

In this example, we're also demonstrating wrap-cells. wrap-cells is handy, as it ensures that long text wraps correctly in a cell! Note that it's only evident for "Avo Cado"

  style="width: 300px;"
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Quasar Vue QTable Separators, Cell, Vertical, Horizontal and Wrapping Text In Cells

Possible options for separator are:

  • horizontal
  • vertical
  • cell
  • none

Moving on!

no-data Label

Change the default no-data label:

  no-data-label="I can't find any data 😞"
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Quasar Vue QTable Changing The No Data Label

loading-data Label

And the default loading-data label:

  loading-label="Gimme a sec and I'll fetch ya data!"
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Quasar Vue QTable Changing The Loading Data Label

Grid Mode

I'll be honest, I've never in my life used grid mode (until writing this blog post).

But some people love it, so here ya go!

  card-class="bg-indigo-9 text-white"
  card-style="padding: 22px;"
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Quasar Vue QTable Grid Mode

In this example, we're also tapping into the styling of the grid cards!

no-hover (q-td and q-tr)

Last, and maybe least, we can remove the default "highlight" effect we get with QTable.

These are specific to q-td and q-tr, so we'll have to demonstrate this using the #body template...

  <template #body="props">
        {{ }}

        {{ }}

        {{ props.row.age }}
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Quasar Vue QTable Removing Hover Effect

Kinda hard to tell with a picture πŸ˜…

Aaand We're Done!

So there you go! If there is anything you want to acheive with QTable styling, hit me up.

I feel like I've seen just about everything now, so there's a good chance I can help you out πŸ™‚

And trust me, you're going to want to checkout QuasarComponents.Com!

Quasar has a MASSIVE component library that's second to none, and I want to teach you All 72 Of Those Components

Thanks for reading, and please dear reader. Please...

Keep this thought in your mind as you hit the pillow and drift into the night πŸŒ™

There is nothing you can't build...

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