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Introduction to Frontend System Design

Radio Framework

Approach your front end system design interviews in structured fashion.
A good structure is half the battle won.

What is Radio about?

  1. Requirement Exploration: Understanding the problem throughly and determine the scope by asking a number of clarifying questions.
  2. Architecture/High-level Design: Identify the key components of the products and how they are interlinked to each other.
  3. Data Modal: Describe the various entities, the field they contain and which component(s) they belong to.
  4. Interface Definition(API): Define the interface (API) between components in the product, functionality of each API, their parameters and responses.
  5. Optimizations: Discuss about possible optimizations opportunities and specific areas of interest when building the product.

Note This is a short intro of radio approach for frontend system design. I will come back with in depth of the above approach in the next post.

Happy Learning 🙌🏼

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