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Randy Rivera
Randy Rivera

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Apply Functional Programming to Convert Strings to URL Slugs

Alright now with everything we've learned so far, let's apply it to another problem.

  • Many sites have the titles of a post added to part of the URL. For example, if you write a Medium post titled anime bookbags, it's likely the URL would have some form of the title string in it (.../anime-bookbags).
  • Let's complete this function so it converts a string title and returns the hyphenated version for the URL.

Here are some Hints:

  1. The input is a string with spaces and title-cased words
  2. The output is a string with the spaces between words replaced by a hyphen (-)
  3. The output should be all lower-cased letters
  4. The output should not have any spaces
function url(title) {

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  • Answer:
function url(title) {
return title
    .split(" ")
    .filter(str => str != "") // <-- basically saying if the str being passed is not equal to an empty string return that str
console.log(url(" Good Anakin  Good"))
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  • ur.lSlug(" Good Anakin Good") returns the string "Good-Anakin-Good"

Top comments (4)

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️

You can shorten your filter function to:

s => s
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since any non-empty string is truthy and empty string is falsey.

Also, if the slug is to be used in URLs - you may want to look at removing characters that are not URL safe

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️ • Edited

An improved (although still naive) function might be:

const urlSlug = str => str
   .replace(/[^a-z0-9 ]+/g, '') // remove anything non-alphanumeric (keeping spaces)
   .replace(/ +/g, '-') // replace any spaces or groups of spaces with a hyphen
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It's naive as it won't cope well with accented letters, Cyrillic characters, other alphabets & writing systems, emojis, etc.

Writing a decent all-purpose slug generator isn't actually that easy

biomathcode profile image
Pratik sharma


francesito profile image

function urlSlug(title) {
let arr = title.split(/\W/);
return arr.filter(s => s != "").join("-").toLowerCase();