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Travis Fischer for Saasify

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Modern web accessibility 💪

We're excited to help enable a more accessible & inclusive web via Ta11y, an open source suite of modern web accessibility testing tools.


We've tried to design Ta11y to be as simple to use as possible.

The easiest way to get started is via the CLI, but you can also use it programmatically from Node.js via @ta11y/core.

Ta11y uses Puppeteer to crawl and extract content from websites, so you can be sure you're testing any dynamic, JavaScript-powered content that your users will see.

Ta11y supports a large number of output formats such as JSON, Excel, CSV, and HTML.


  • Accessibility as a service
    • Audit your websites with a range of test suites including WCAG 2.0/2.1 A, AA, AAA, Section 508, HTML validation, as well as our own best practices.
  • Flexible and automated
    • Run manual tests during development and then integrate into any CI pipeline. Supports generating reports in XLS, XLSX, CSV, JSON, HTML, and more.
  • Runs in any environment
    • Easy integration that supports localhost, firewalls, custom auth, as well as any public production environment.
  • Modern dynamic websites
    • Ta11y treats all websites as dynamic with full JavaScript support, so you'll test pages as your users actually experience them.
  • Free to try
    • Simple to get started for free, then sign up once you're ready to remove rate limits. Have a non-profit use case? Get in touch.
  • Private & secure
    • Ta11y is built using serverless functions and never stores any of your data or audit results.


This example runs the wcag2a and wcag2aa audit test suites on the given URL and outputs the results to an Excel spreadsheet (supports any xls, xlsx, or csv file).

ta11y -o audit.xls
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This example runs the wcag2a and wcag2aa audit test suites on the given URL and outputs the results to a comma-separated-value file (csv).

ta11y --suites wcag2a,wcag2aa -o audit.csv
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This example will crawl all pages of a local site and then perform an audit of the results.

Note that the local site does not have to be publicly accessible as content extraction happens locally.

ta11y http://localhost:3000 --crawl -o audit.json
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Ta11y is a new open source project written in JavaScript and built on the shoulders of other OSS giants.

We're looking for feedback and contributors, so please try it out and let us know if you have any thoughts. Thanks! 🙏

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