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Samuel Afolabi
Samuel Afolabi

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Connect Wallet to React dApp with ConnectKit

ConnectKit is a React library for connecting dApps to wallets. As at the time of writing this article, the v1.1.1 edges other competitors with typescript support, custom themes, and language translation.

This article was written with the assumption that the reader is familiar with css, javascript, react and blockchain rudimentary terms. Experience with ChakraUI is a plus.

Let's get to businessπŸ™‚.

Create a react app - of courseπŸ₯΄

npx create-react-app hello-wallet
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Install ConnectKit and its peer dependences

Co-dependencies for connection include wagmi and ethers , as connectKit uses both behind the scenes

npm install connectkit wagmi ethers
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Create a client

I would suggest creating a separate js file for client creation to make the code cleaner. Let's name this file connectWeb3.js.
You'll need to generate one of Alchemy or Infura endpoint and key. These need to be provided to allow for walletConnect (an open source protocol that helps connect decentralised applications to mobile wallets with QR code scanning or deep linking)

ConnectKit also allows you to switch between networks seamlessly. You can do this by adding chains from wagmi. I am adding 4 chains here : Eth-mainnet, polygon, optimism and arbitrum.


import { createClient } from "wagmi";
import { mainnet, polygon, optimism, arbitrum } from "wagmi/chains"; 
import { getDefaultClient } from "connectkit";

export const alchemyId = process.env.ALCHEMY_ID;
const chains = [mainnet, polygon, optimism, arbitrum];

export const client = createClient(
    appName: "hello-wallet",
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Now that our client is set up, we move to the next step.

Wrap the App

Wrap the app with WagmiConfig from Wagmi and ConnectKitProvider from Conneckit. Since this is just a demonstration for this article, only one component - HelloWalletComponent - is included.


import { WagmiConfig } from "wagmi";
import { client } from "./connectWeb3";
import { ConnectKitProvider } from "connectkit";

function App() {
  return (
 <WagmiConfig client={client}>
        </ConnectKitProvider >
export default App;
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Let's go for the button 🎯

You can simply import the connect button and have it displayed like the image below this code block.


import { Box, Flex, Text, VStack } from "@chakra-ui/react";
import { ConnectKitButton } from "connectkit";

function HelloWalletComponent() {
  return (
      <Flex height="80vh" justifyContent="center" 
          <Text fontSize={{ base: "18vw", md: "12vw" }} 
               GM <span> fren </span>
           //button here πŸ‘‡πŸ½
          <ConnectKitButton />
          //button here πŸ‘†πŸ½
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connectKit button with no customization

Usually you would want the button matched up with your app theme. How then does one go about this? Let's have a walk through in the following sections.


There are quite a number of ways to do this. For brevity purpose, I'll discuss this just the way I think it's best. You can check out the Docs if you want to satisfy your curiosity.

ConnectKit provides a custom component - ConnectKitButton.Custom - that has render props for necessary wallet connection states. You can take advantage of this to build components like buttons, connection status signals, ens name / wallet address display or in fact make dynamic stylings.

The styling in the code block below takes the "sx" - ChakraUI's way of writing the style prop. That's why the styling is written as an object with cssv attributes in camel cases.

You can simply pass in the stylings with classNames, utility classes, or any form the react framework you use allows.


import { Box, Button, Flex, Text, VStack } from "@chakra-ui/react";

import { ConnectKitButton } from "connectkit";

function HelloWalletComponent() {

  const buttonStyle = {
    color: "black",
    fontSize: "2rem",
    border: "solid 2px black",
    padding: "2rem",
    fontFamily: "Bebas Neue",
    background: "transparent",
    fontWeight: "500",
    _hover: {
      border: "solid 1px black",

  return (
      <Flex height="80vh" justifyContent="center" alignItems="center">
          <Text fontSize={{ base: "18vw", md: "12vw" }} textAlign="center">
               GM <span> fren </span>
           //button here πŸ‘‡πŸ½
            }) => {
              return (
                <Button onClick={show} sx={buttonStyle}>
                  {isConnected ? truncatedAddress : "Connect wallet og"}
          //button here πŸ‘†πŸ½

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button customization with connectKit

It is important to mention that Connectkit provides you with custom themes, and ability to customize the theme and mode. You can override the styles of a theme by passing providing a customTheme prop to the ConnectKitProvider . You can modify styling variables for:

  • the whole ConnectKit System - just as the font-family, border-radius, and background are modified in the example below

  • Connect Wallet Button

  • Primary Buttons

  • Secondary Buttons

  • Tertiary Buttons

  • Modal

  • Texts and Miscellaneous

There is also an options prop that allows for more customizations. It is recommended that the embedGoogleFonts is set to true to ensure fonts appear correctly. Other options take mostly booleans and strings.


import { WagmiConfig } from "wagmi";
import { client } from "./connectWeb3";
import { ConnectKitProvider } from "connectkit";

function App() {
  return (
 <WagmiConfig client={client}>
            "--ck-font-family": "Bebas Neue",
            "--ck-border-radius": "0px",
            "--ck-background": "#F0FFF3",
            embedGoogleFonts: true,
            disclaimer: <> connect your wallet fren. Welcome to 
             Web3 </>,
            showBalance: true,
            hideQuestionMarkCTA: true,
        </ConnectKitProvider >
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wallet connection modal

truncated address

All the chains imported from wagmi are rendered as shown in the image below in the connectWeb3.js file
const chains = [mainnet, polygon, optimism, arbitrum];

 wagmi and connectkit chains

That's all I have got in my tiny head for now fren. I would appreciate your suggestions, and other ways you have done this implementation.

Gm and Happy Hacking!

Top comments (2)

siddheshsali profile image
Siddhesh sali

Hi, I tried to create a wallet connect like mentioned in your post but my project comprises of react + typescript and somehow the connectkit library is not getting recognised. Any suggestions ?

samuelafolabi profile image
Samuel Afolabi • Edited

Hello @siddheshsali , sorry I am just seeing this. I can't tell what the problem could be.

You can check this repo to make some comparison and see if you could figure what's going on.